Newark, NJ Reviews

26 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Newark

Newark is a city in New Jersey known for its diverse population, vibrant arts scene, and historical significance as a major port city. However, the city has faced challenges in recent years due to high crime rates and poverty levels. In order to gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Newark, we will summarize and include excerpts from user reviews on

Some users on have shared their experiences living in Newark, providing insight into the city's unique qualities. One reviewer, "John from Newark," praises the city's diversity, stating, "The people here come from all walks of life and it's great to see such a melting pot." Another user, "Samantha from New Jersey," highlights the city's rich history, saying, "Newark has so much history and character, it's like living in a living museum." On the other hand, "Mark from Newark" expresses concerns about crime, stating, "Safety can be a concern in certain areas, so it's important to be cautious." And finally, "Lisa from New Jersey" shares her positive experience with the city's arts and culture scene, stating, "There's always something exciting happening in Newark, from art exhibits to concerts and festivals."

 based on 26 Reviews
Get to know Newark with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Newark

The New Newark - 6/27/2006
I'm very sad to hear the bad comments on this site about Newark
I grew up in Newark and my family still lives and work in Newark, and the surrounding areas. My family and I have been looking for a house in Newark for the last several months, we now live in NYC.
I would love to move back to Newark, I believe that it is a great place to live and work! We believe that the great leadership of Mr. Cory Booker will overcome any past negativity and we are here to help in the fight.
We see the promise in the new ' Newark' and we believe in the great mayor who will take office this week.Yes, Newark has seen some hard times and there are some who will fight to keep Newark unsafe and sell drugs.
Unlike others who choose to bad mouth this great city we choose to fight and restore this great city to the glory it once was and will be again.
We are the doctors, police, lawyers, contractors and well educated children who came right out of the streets of Newark.
We Read More

Start Your Review of Newark

Stay away - 2/1/2006
This is not a place for anyone to be spending time. Don't go to Newark unless you have to. Some very good restaurants, but you are taking your life in your hands going at Read More

You have to be kiding me! - 2/1/2006
Newark, NJ one of the best places to live! I grew up in Newark, and we did everything we could to get out. It's the best place to live if you like drugs, dirt and Read More

New York / Los Angeles - 1/31/2006
You ever heard of New Jersey being the state that is all in one.
Well it is
Newark is like New York / Los Angeles but small
If you looking to get your car stolen come here.
Newark is not a safe place to live it is extremely Dangerous!!!!!!!!
The reason why cause it is connect with two other cities
that have a high crime rate in the nation.
Those two cities are East Orange and Irvington.
So its like being in a crime-ridden Death Trap.
Everyone who lives there know its a Death Read More

don't come - 1/3/2006
newark is the absolute worst place to live. it's crime i s so high the police can't keep up. car theft is very high. everything thast has to do crime is high here in new jersey. the cost of living is ridiculous everything is overpriced. the schools are horrible. gangs are on the rise. there is no safe place to live in new jersey. the best thing i can say about new jersey is the diners stay open for 24 hours and the Read More

Avoid like H5N1 - 11/30/2005
I grew up in Newark in the 80s. To this day, coming within 5 miles of the city makes me twitch. I hate it. Maybe my personal experience is skewed a bit, but my memories of the city include: being mugged at age 9 by two 12-year-olds; a dirty diaper left by the side of the community pool; roaches; uneducated, unmotivated, predatory people who will not or cannot think outside the "hood"; litter everywhere; at least one demolished, boarded-up, burnt-out building or vacant lot per block; not being able to play in the snow because of all the stray dogs (rather, what they leave behind). And on and on. I remember growing up and hearing tales of how dirty New York City was, but having worked in NYC for 9 years, I have to say I have yet to encounter an area as bad as Newark. Supposedly Newark has undergone a "renaissance" in recent years, but I don't buy it. Sure, they cleaned up one tiny area of it, near the NJ PAC, but I still get the desperate urge to escape when I drive through any part of Read More

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