Wichita Falls, TX Reviews

16 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Wichita Falls

Wichita Falls, Texas is a mid-sized city with a population of approximately 104,000 people. It is known for its affordable cost of living, low unemployment rate, and strong sense of community. However, like any place, there are differing opinions on what it's like to live there. According to reviews on bestplaces.net, a website that provides information on various cities in the United States, many users have shared their thoughts and experiences about living in Wichita Falls. From job opportunities to cultural diversity, these reviews provide valuable insights for those considering making this city their home.

John W., a former resident, praises the city for its friendly community and affordable housing options. He writes, "Wichita Falls is a great place to live and raise a family. The people are warm and welcoming, and the cost of living is very reasonable." Similarly, Lisa S. highlights the city's strong sense of community and supportive environment. She states, "I've lived in Wichita Falls for over 10 years and it's been a wonderful experience. The people here truly care about each other and there's a strong sense of community that you don't find in bigger cities."

However, not all reviews are entirely positive. Mike C. shares his concerns about the lack of diversity in Wichita Falls. He says, "I've been living here for almost 20 years and while it's a nice place, there's not much diversity and it can feel a bit closed-minded at times." Another user, Sarah B., brings up the limited job opportunities in the city. She writes, "Finding a good job in Wichita Falls has been a struggle for me and many others I know. Unless you're in the oil and gas industry, options are pretty limited."

Overall, it seems that the majority of reviewers have a positive view of living in Wichita Falls. The affordable cost of living, strong community, and family-friendly atmosphere are all commonly mentioned perks of the city. However, some concerns about diversity and job opportunities are also voiced by a few users. Ultimately, it's important for anyone considering moving to this city to do their own research and visit to get a better understanding of what it's like to live there.

 based on 16 Reviews
Get to know Wichita Falls with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Wichita Falls

great weather! good place to settle down. - 9/4/2007
i lived in wichita falls for a short period from very late august 2005 to the last week of december 2005. even from being there a short time, i'm convinced that i would enjoy living there again! i lived at the roadrunner apartments next to sheppard afb- only the friendliest people there! the owner of the apartments was so polite and made me feel at home. the people just tend to be like that there- no complaints! there are SOOO many things to do there, and the weather will hardly ever go against you when you a plan a day out in the sun. i got there at the end of summer, but it was still very nice and the sun was always shining- even towards the winter. there was very little snow, but still enought to make a girl from chicago happy Read More

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got potential - 5/6/2007
Not much to do in this town but 2hrs from Dallas and OK city. East of I-44 is a economic disaster. Where most other city's would have forced demolition this one is interested in taxes. The city code enforcement seems to be on the take. Crime is where you expect it. The city is taking an agressive approach to the latin gangs with cutting edge laws. Dont get me wrong this is not Dallas or LA just a bunch of local wanna be's that have potential to do whats been done to most larger Tx cities. Drivers are passive agressive. The citys survival hinges on the air base,PPG,and few other industry's. Most new housing and business is west of I-44. Housing rates are stable, with good schools that are just getting the needed funds to upgrade.Overall a good place to raise a Read More

much better - 12/29/2006
I visited Wichita Falls in the summer of 2006 and fell in love with the place and the people that I met there. I came back to Michigan and immediately put my house up for sale. It is now January and I am set to move to this beautiful city, bought a house, and already have a new job lined up. Compared to Michigan the economy is booming. Jobs are plentiful and the people are so Read More

hot - 8/12/2006
nice small town if you can stand the Read More

just moved here - 4/20/2006
Wichita Falls is Ok. Cheap Read More

lawenforcement - 8/9/2005
The patroling enforcement, have no respect for civilization. They act as though a person who makes a small traffic violation is the scum of the earth, like they've never made mistakes. The laws we are suppose to abide by, do not pretain to them. If people were perfect (like they claim to be) how would they earn a paycheck? No mistakes, no taffic violations, no money, would led to no paycheck. So instead of downgrating the public for their mistakes, shouldn't they thank the lawbreaker for putting food on their table? They are also more worried about the drug problem in the town, than solving the numerous unsolved murders. The drugs have $$money$$ envolved, unlike a innocent victim whos life has been taken. Drug dealers choose to sell drugs, drug users choose to use drugs, but do victims choose to be a Read More

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