Provo, UT Reviews

21 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Provo

Background information: Provo, Utah is a mid-sized city located in the heart of the state. It is home to Brigham Young University and has a strong religious influence, as well as a growing tech industry. It has been named one of the best places to live in the US due to its affordable housing, low crime rates, and natural beauty.

According to many user reviews on BestPlaces, Provo, Utah is a great place to live with a strong sense of community and a wide range of outdoor activities. One user, JohnD, says, "Provo is such a family-friendly city with great schools and a safe environment. We love the access to hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities that make it an ideal place for families." Another user, SarahT, echoes this sentiment by stating, "I've lived in Provo for 10 years now and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. The mountains, the lake, and the friendly people make it a perfect place to call home." Additionally, user JakeS notes the strong sense of community in Provo, saying, "The people of Provo are some of the nicest and most welcoming I've ever met. You truly feel like part of a tight-knit community here." However, not all reviews are positive. User JessicaB mentions the limited nightlife and entertainment options in Provo, stating, "If you're looking for a bustling city with lots of nightlife, this may not be the place for you. As a young single person, I sometimes feel limited in terms of things to do in Provo."

 based on 21 Reviews
Get to know Provo with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Provo

This is the place! - 7/31/2020
I was born in Provo and have lived in a few cities nearby my entire life. While I was raised in a semi-Mormon family, I am no longer LDS. I haven’t been for about 20 years. There have been a few times where my family and myself have felt judged for not being LDS; but overall, people are nice and friendly. Most people are not judgemental. And, if they truly follow the LDS doctrine, they should not be judgemental of others. Besides, over the years, I have noticed that there are fewer and fewer Mormons in Utah.
It truly is a nice place to live. It’s very beautiful being surrounded by the mountains. We do have a very low crime rate. There is amazing skiing less than a 45 minute drive from Provo (in Park City). If you’re up for traveling south for a few hours, we have breathtaking National Monuments and canyon land that you won’t see anywhere else in the world. I may be a bit biased (and have only actually seen about half of the United States in person); but I think that Utah is the Read More

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Nice small town. - 2/10/2018
I live in Mississippi and im 15. Im looking for somewhere to relocate when I graduate college. Even though im 15 and I have a long way ahead before I even graduate High-school I still feel the need to travel when Im older. This place feels like a nice place to live. I heard there little crime and outdoor activities are very common. Read More

Great Place to Raise a Family - 12/14/2016
Great Quality of life. People are Read More

Peaceful, but full of L.D.S - 10/17/2012
I've lived here for about 12 years now, and I got to say it's a very peaceful place to live. Well, It depends what you're doing every day and where you live in Utah. But, there are a ton of mormons, and probably everyone of your friends will be mormon, maybe catholic if there from somewhere else. I still like it here, because I don't find there being any racism or anything like that. At least not for me. Read More

Wide variety of outdoor and cultural activities - 6/26/2010
Nestled between Utah Lake and the Wasatch Front mountains, there are lots of great outdoor activities available. Provo is home to Brigham Young University, which is known for its fine arts and wonderful cultural displays. In both cases, much of it is available at little or no charge.  Read More

A great place to live - 5/27/2010
I think the biggest thing that makes this place great is the quality of the people. Most of the people you come across are good, honest, quality people. Of course, there's always a few bad apples, you get that anywhere, but I think they are fewer and farther between Read More

Provo is a great place to live - 10/9/2009
Come to Provo to live. It is beautiful year round. The people are friendly and life is pleasant. Being in an LDS environment is wonderful. I have loved every minute of Read More

Stay away unless you're Mormon - 9/15/2009
I grew up in Provo, UT. Despite the scenic mountain surroundings, living there can be tough unless you are a Mormon. Everything revolves around the LDS church from boyscouts to neighbor parties. You can't have a 5 minute conversation with anyone without a reference about LDS life coming up. I've been asked often in interviews (which is illegal) if I was Mormon, and kids often don't want to befriend your children or allow their kids to play with "heathen" children on Sundays. That's just a small example. There is a saying used often in Utah, "If you don't like it, you can leave." That sums it up. "It" refers to the Mormon Church dominating every aspect of your life, whether you are part of the church or not. If you don't like Mormonism crammed down your throat everyday for your life, leave. Thank God I Read More

Provo, UT - 5/9/2009
As much as people tend to jeer at the claims of the Happiest Place on Earth in Provo, it's not a bad place to live for the avid outdoorsman. Lots of cheap recreation exists close by, and housing is fairly affordable. The family atmosphere is great, but most of the community is geared toward young adults and dating, because Provo was built around the nation's largest private religious University, Brigham Young University. It's a fairly safe place to live, and the job market is Read More

College town - 3/19/2008
It's a college Read More

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