Green Bay, WI Reviews

30 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Green Bay

Green Bay, Wisconsin is a city located on the western shore of Lake Michigan. It is best known as the home of the Green Bay Packers football team and has a population of over 100,000 people. The city has a diverse economy, with industries such as paper, healthcare, and tourism. It also offers a variety of outdoor activities, including parks, hiking trails, and water sports. However, like any city, Green Bay has its pros and cons. To give a well-rounded perspective, below are excerpts from four different user reviews about living in Green Bay.

- According to , JohnD wrote, "I have lived in Green Bay for the past 20 years and it has been a wonderful place to raise a family. The cost of living is affordable and there are plenty of job opportunities. The community is close-knit and the people are friendly."

- Another user, AmyS, stated, "I moved to Green Bay for a job opportunity and have been here for two years. I have to say, I'm not a fan. The winters are brutal and the city feels small and limited. There's not much to do and the cost of living is higher than I expected."

- In contrast, , SarahG shared, "I was hesitant to move to Green Bay from a bigger city, but I have been pleasantly surprised. The city has a lot to offer, from great restaurants to cultural events. The cost of living is reasonable and the people are down-to-earth and welcoming."

- However, not all experiences in Green Bay have been positive. On , BenT wrote, "I grew up in Green Bay and couldn't wait to leave. It's a stagnant city with little opportunities for young professionals. The winters are depressing and there's not much to do. I don't see myself ever moving back."

In summary, reviews about living in Green Bay vary. Some enjoy the affordable cost of living and close-knit community, while others find the city dull and limiting. However, many appreciate the city's offerings, including outdoor activities and cultural events. It seems that personal preferences and experiences play a significant role in how one perceives living in Green Bay.

 based on 30 Reviews
Get to know Green Bay with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Green Bay

Snow and Cold - 3/29/2009
Other than the snow and cold Green Bay is a great place to live: Low cost of living, low crime rate, great shopping, Read More

Start Your Review of Green Bay

I Like It Here! - 2/11/2009
I've lived in Green Bay for over forty years. Sure we have some rough winters but overall the climate is great. We enjoy the four seasons to the fullest. Even though we have an urban setting, we haven't lost our small town atmosphere.

As a real estate broker, I have first hand knowledge of our excellent housing and job market. I like it here! I can't imagine living anywhere Read More

As a member of one of those "Green Bay families" i - 9/26/2008
You want to know what Green Bays about? Well I am from one of those huge multi generational "Green Bay families" that never leave and I will tell you exactly what Green Bay is like. Ok Green Bay is a regional legal, hospital, retail and entertainment center with a paper manufacturing base. So what you get with Green Bay basically is a small city with a nearly abandoned downtown and a population that is made up of those too stupid to leave and failed farmers from "up norf" looking to make it in the "big city." I was born and raised in Green Bay and it really is a good place to have a big family, if your rich, which very few are! Problem is anyone with a brain and/or an education leaves first changes they get because the job market is worse than terrible..Its 3rd world!

The true locals are nice, friendly and well educated. Educated enough to leave toot sweet and they are replaced by failed farmers and U.P of Michigan refugees who are little more than vicious, ignorant Read More

As a member of one of those "Green Bay families" i - 9/26/2008
You want to know what Green Bays about? Well I am from one of those huge multi generational "Green Bay families" that never leave and I will tell you exactly what Green Bay is like. Ok Green Bay is a regional legal, hospital, retail and entertainment center with a paper manufacturing base. So what you get with Green Bay basically is a small city with a nearly abandoned downtown and a population that is made up of those too stupid to leave and failed farmers from "up norf" looking to make it in the "big city." I was born and raised in Green Bay and it really is a good place to have a big family, if your rich, which very few are! Problem is anyone with a brain and/or an education leaves first changes they get because the job market is worse than terrible..Its 3rd world!

The true locals are nice, friendly and well educated. Educated enough to leave toot sweet and they are replaced by failed farmers and U.P of Michigan refugees who are little more than vicious, ignorant Read More

Climate - 11/29/2007
We have four distinct seasons, cold winters, hot summers, and mild spring and Read More
Mary | ,  | Reply | No Replies

Green Bay - 11/19/2007
Green Bay

1. if your a Packers fan you might like the city 2. low crime rate 3.
very cheap place to live 4. Lambeau Field

1. very poor job market 2. having lived for 7 years in WI, the winters are
very rough up in Green Bay 3. number of rude people 4. unappealing looking city 5. most of the people can only hold a conversation if it revolves around the Packers. 6. Not a place to live if your not a Packers fan 7. many Packers fans can be Read More

Living in Green Bay....the good, the bad and the u - 6/15/2007
Well, where do I start? Green Bay is not perfect. The other person was right, the people are very territorial. Generations have lived here forever. It seems very few people leave. It can be very hard to meet and establish long-term friendships. However, a lot of new people are moving in. This predominately blue-collar town is transitioning. More educated people are moving into this area and that is definately changing the landscape. The weather can be awful; however spending one year in the desert southwest...I was itching for some variety and quite frankly a break from the sun. The "pollution problem", well folks, it does exist here but in MUCH less numbers than other places such as Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, Phoenix, Denver, (I can keep going). Green Bay is different in the aspect that they are working hard to rectify past generations ignorance/apathy toward the environment. The Fox River is going thru a major clean-up and will most likely be PCB free in the next Read More

Let's get it straight - 4/29/2007
Ok, most of the posts are either exaggerating, or just plain lying. I'll address the issues most commonly mentioned, only I'll use truth. Weather- Yes, it's not the best in the country, but it's exactly like any other midwestern city- including Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Madison. It wouldn't be fair to single out one city for long winters and humid summers. Mother nature doesn't work with boundary lines. Water, No it's not "toxic" to drink, and No, we've never been told to drink it in low doses, which doesn't even make sense, if water's bad- it's bad, any amount will harm you. If you live in surrounding areas and are drinking well water, that's your own fault, move into the city where they have a water utility plant. The Fox River- Yes, very polluted, but they are taking steps to clean it up. They recognize the problem and are working to resolve it, but at no point could you ever "walk across it", or even come close. Close minded/rude people- I've lived in Madison, Minneapolis, Read More

There is no perfect place! - 3/14/2007
I spent part of my childhood in Green Bay and wanted to do nothing more than leave when I finished high school. I have since traveled to over eighty countries and thirty-eight states and am now moving back to Green Bay. I have visited many places that had features that Green Bay doesn't, but I have also seen the warts on these nice places as well. Green Bay has a nice mixture of friendly people, a low cost of living, decent schools, and a low violent crime rate that make it very attractive for people like me who have held the brass ring and are ready for a quieter, gentler pace. Yes, the weather can be horrific at times, but then, after living through the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons in Florida, it doesn't seem that Read More

really bad Weather, irritating people, high taxes, - 10/2/2006
I no longer live in Green Bay and wonder how I ever did. The weather is really bad...the pollution and water are deadly and the people are not that nice. The town is made up of mostly a bunch of clans that have been there for generations. If you come in from the outside you will never be accepted or fit into this community. Just go around town on Thanksgiving or XMAS and you will see, every 5 houses has 20 cars parked outside. The air and water pollution is the worst in the country. The most polluted river in the U.S. runs right thru the middle of town and it is putrid, just go down and take a look at the water, you could almost walk across it. It will take billions to clean up the Fox River. The air pollution given off by the stinking paper mills will burn your nose if you are upwind of them. They actually have an island just offshore Lake Michigan made up of PCB's and paper waste. Northern Wisconsin and the Madison area are a thousand times nicer if you have to live in Wisconsin. Read More

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