Nebraska Reviews

14 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Nebraska

As one of the Great Plains states in the Midwest region of the United States, Nebraska is known for its vast prairies, rolling hills, and rich agricultural land. With a population of around 1.9 million people, the state offers a mix of rural small towns and bustling cities, such as Omaha and Lincoln. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Nebraska, I have included a summary of user reviews from, a popular website for community and city rankings.

According to user reviews on BestPlaces, many residents of Nebraska appreciate the state's low cost of living and strong sense of community. One user, Mary from Omaha, shares, "I love living in Nebraska. The cost of living is affordable, and the people are friendly and welcoming." Another user, Tom from Lincoln, adds, "The small-town vibe is what I love about Nebraska. You really get to know your neighbors and form meaningful connections." However, not all reviews are positive. Jane from North Platte mentions, "The weather can be tough to handle, especially during the winter months. Be prepared for harsh winds and heavy snowfall." Similarly, John from Kearney states, "The job market in Nebraska is limited, and it can be challenging to find employment opportunities in certain industries." Overall, it seems that the majority of residents enjoy living in Nebraska, but it's important to consider the potential challenges as well.

 based on 14 Reviews
Get to know Nebraska with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Nebraska

Nebraska "The Good Life" - 5/4/2007
No Mountains but the finest people on the face of the Read More

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The perfect mix of all things - 4/26/2007
I grew up in Nebraska and thought that when I grew up I needed to hurry up and get anywhere but there. My travels have taken me to far away places such as Virginia, California, Puerto Rico, Canada, Asia and Australia. And now, six years after leaving, I'm ready to start my family. As nice a place as several of the other places I've been to are, they don't have the same family oriented values that Nebraska has. California may have warmer winters and less dramatic climate changes but costs of living are astronomical. Virginia is way too fast paced and over crowded. Puerto Rico is phenomenal place to visit but not to stay. Canada has beautiful scenery and way too many streetwalkers even in the nicest of neighborhoods. And Asia and Australia are both beautiful places but aside from being halfway across the world, they cost a lot and require massive adaptation. Most people underestimate Nebraska. Omaha and Lincoln provide "city" activities and attractions while being "safer" than most Read More

this the heartland?? more like the anus - 5/6/2006
thid place reminds me of what it mustve been like to have been a resident of poland in 1930.....thank god im out of here in 3 weeks....these people are taxed to death, most of the homes are rundown, i live outside of omaha and im here to tell you...if you have a choice between nebraska and any other state....chooses any other Read More

Friendly Folks - 2/21/2006
Great friendly folks Read More
