United States / New Mexico / Albuquerque Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque's Crime Problem is REAL
Star Rating - 11/24/2019
I lived in Albuquerque for over 20 years and finally had to move away because of the crime and economic problems. After my car was stolen (from inside my garage, my bike was stolen, and I was mugged for a petty amount of cash in the NE Heights, I called it quits.

People will claim Albuquerque "isn't so bad" when compared to (Insert city here). But the FBI crime statistics say otherwise. The city is home to the nation's highest rate of car theft, top 5 overall property crime, New Mexico is top 10 for violent crime, and as of November 2019, Albuquerque is about to hit its all-time record for homicides. I remember sometime in the past year hearing the city had 113 shootings in 114 days.

All of this is absolutely ridiculous and totally unacceptable for anyone who wants to live a quiet, peaceful life or raise kids there. But the dirty, dark secret is that it has been this way for a LOOOOONNNG time. If I recall correctly, Albuquerque hit its previous murder record all the way back in 1996. And if you look deep enough into the stats you will see that the state of New Mexico has been top 10 in Violent crime on and off going all the way back to 1965. Yes, its been bad for over 50 years!

What does this kind of crime look like? I will tell you. It looks like an elderly woman being stabbed in the "nice part of town" while carrying groceries home. It looks like a man being CRUCIFIED to a tree in the Bosque nature preserve. It looks like a man being found decapitated behind a local Wal-Mart. It looks like a mailwoman's body being found burned on the West Mesa. It looks like a man being shot multiple times and then driving his car into oncoming traffic in the South Valley. It looks like a teenage boy being gunned down outside a pizza parlor near the airport. These are all real crimes you can Google which have happened in totally different parts of the city. And they are just some of the more high-profile ones. It's a constant problem.

But the most frequent reports are people having their cars stolen, houses robbed, and property stolen. If this is the kind of life you want for your family, by all means move to Albuquerque.

And I have barely even touched on the problems like a slower economy than every surrounding state, the polluted (and disappearing) drinking water, and job growth slow for most years since 2010. I didn't even mention the 49th in the nation school system or the massive DWI problem that never gets resolved (hint: don't ever drive your car between midnight and 4am in Albuquerque).

You may think Albuquerque is all pretty sunsets and green chile cheeseburgers but there is a cost to be paid. The housing may be affordable, but it may cost you your car, your money, or even your life. Think twice about moving there!
Ray | Albuquerque, NM
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5 Replies

Have a relative that just found work there. Can you tell me where can they live that is safer that they could maybe work in ABQ but live on the outskirts in a safe town that is not too far to commute. What places would you recommend that are safer that they could live in close to ABQ? Looking for apts. too. Thank you so much.
Doo | Palm Bay, FL | Report Abuse

Yeah I've never met so many troubled people...alcohol, domestic violence, drug addiction, sex offenders, criminals. Not just the poor, but the working class and even some more of middle class people (which you wouldn't expect). Instead of "Land of Enchantment" the license plates should say "Land of Dysfunctionality". Or "Famous Prisons"
Duke | Houston, TX | Report Abuse

I love how the Hillary-ites, who can't handle the truth about a place, love to call us truth-tellers racist and ignorant. Read the crime and poverty stats for YOURSELF people!!! I too, LIVED it.
Duke | Houston, TX | Report Abuse

This review reflects the reality of the city. Don't be fooled by what can only be called lunatics who talk about how wonderful it is. It is awful in every way. A genuine war zone mentality permeates every square inch. The people are unfriendly, clannish, and I am sure that many suffer from PTSD caused by the unceasing violence. I moved away and feel lucky to have escaped alive. The trouble is, you can get killed in any part, at any time. There are no more good or bad parts of town anymore. It was a mess in 1985 when I went to UNM, but today's Abq is not fit to live in. Period. My theory is that compassionate, caring, intelligent people flee like I did, and the remainder choose to stay because they like it the way that is is. There's nothing else that would account for it. Here it is in a nut shell: I was talking with someone at the Sat Mkt one day and mentioned that the crime was far too scary to stay in Abq. She laughed and said "Just don't read the newspapers or watch the news!" I see. So if I stop reading about it hearing it about it, never mind witnessing crimes, and I mean violent attacks like I have seen first hand, then it will magically go away. Who knew? THIS is who will be your neighbor if you move here. Along with the murderers, car jackers, gang members, sex predators, drug addicts and crazy people who are really, really crazy and dangerous. If this is for you, then by all means move to Abq. It's like a horror movie that never ends and just gets worse and worse. I will be suffering from the 2 1/2 years I lived in the place for the rest of my life in all likelihood. Yes, the whole state has huge problems, which actually means that the majority of the population has huge problems, and it is absurdly violent and drug and crime ridden, but Abq is King of Crime.
steve | Albuquerque, NM | Report Abuse

Steve, for somebody who claims to loathe Albuquerque with the venom that you spew, you spend a LOT of time here spouting off about the city. The last I heard, you had retreated to Cruces to live out the remainder of your days. It sure seems as though Cruces just doesn't have the fascination that Albuquerque has for you that you simply cannot stop yakking on and on about it.
J. Fredd | Denver, CO | Report Abuse
- 4/5/2019
I've lived in both cities, Albuquerque Wins!!
I was born in Santa Fe NM in 1969. My father is a retired Army officer, so at 12 years old...
Charles | Albuquerque, NM | 1 Reply

- 12/14/2018
Green Chile
Lived here for 31 years. Loved it....
Orlando | Bosque Farms, NM | No Replies