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Review of Bend, Oregon

Can't Wait to Leave This Place
Star Rating - 12/23/2017
I've been here in New SoCal for a little over a year, and I'm seriously counting every day till I can leave. I've traveled all over the country and lived in quite a few places on both East and West coasts, and this town has the most obnoxious people I've ever encountered. It's the essence of white entitlement, or what happens when you let too many former frat boys and girls and jocks spend daddy's money on a McMansion. If you have an ounce of creativity, sensitivity, spiritual inclination, heart or soul, you will be out of place here. It's mainstream, conservative, uptight, bitchy, and completely lacking in community. People are rude and look right through you if you don't walk around looking like you just came from the ski lodge or the gym. It's like living in the Aryan REI catalog. They're rich, snotty, and arrogant, and have nothing better to do with their lives than drink beer, smoke weed, and flip houses. I've been trying for 15 months to find even one restaurant with good food and have not. There are maybe 2 art galleries and zero opportunities for creative activities with any sophistication. And there is no real city or decent college anywhere even close to here. Portland is 3 hours away, and often inaccessible during winter snows. Local cheerleaders love to say that people in Bend are "so friendly," and I just shake my head. It must be because they've never lived in other parts of OR, which truly do have kind and friendly people. You read their bumper stickers saying, "Be nice, you're in Bend," as they practically run you down on the crosswalk.

I live on the west side near downtown, and in 2017 we had almost an entire year of nonstop construction and noise in every direction, along with disgusting, torn up streets you could hardly even walk down. I've bought boxes of earplugs and 4 sets of noise canceling headphones just to not completely lose my mind. I grew up 20 minutes from midtown Manhattan and it was quiet as a church compared to this dump. The mindset here is build the hell out of everything and growth, growth, growth. There's no plan or guiding vision except exploitation and greed--and you can see it written all over people's ugly, pinched faces. The day I get out of here will be, without a doubt, the happiest day of my life.
Moving | ,
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3 Replies

You do understand that the Bend you are accurately describing is due to the non-stop influx of people moving here from out of state? I am a fourth generation native and absolutely hate what all of the Californians have done to ruin my once quiet and beautiful little town. Locals don't have I love Bend, or be nice you're in Bend stickers on our cars. Those are the idiots who have moved here from out of state acting like they know anything about who we used to be. I am sorry you are so unhappy here, but you can't begin to imagine how sad and brokenhearted those of us who call this our hometown feel about what's been done to our town just to make room for aholes we can't stand. Bend used to be an oasis, now it is nearly unlivable.
Kimberly | Bend, OR | Report Abuse

You seethe with class envy. My brother visits Bend often and plans to retire there and recommends it to me also. Like the vast majority of highly successful people, we did not inherit our wealth from our parents. We built our wealth thanks to hard work, mostly smart choices, and free market capitalism. You should try it sometime.
William | Conifer, CO | Report Abuse

Adios! Sounds like you'll be unhappy wherever you go.
Vance | Bend, OR | Report Abuse