United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

Star Rating - 8/21/2015
I can no longer read your post because of the poor grammar and spelling. You are obviously from a different state where public education is not a priority. You have no facts to defend your statements, and have OBVIOIUSLY never lived here in the winter because it is not nearly as miserable as the Midwest.. If you don't like living in Colorado, nobody is stopping you from moving out of state.
BTW..."judgy" is not a word.
Me | Dakota Ridge, CO
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2 Replies

Depends where you are from in the midwest. The entire midwest does not = wisconsin... The lower midwest winter is WAY shorter, arguably more mild and MUCH less snowy than Denver.
Jim | Indianapolis, IN | Report Abuse

Instead of talking about someone's grammar, how about talking about substantive issues? I lived in the Midwest for 30 of my 55 years and the winters here are better, but still it is WINTER. It can be bitter cold and overcast for days on end. It usually dries up quickly, thankfully, but not all the time. The problem is there is too much influx from pot smoking California hippies, which is adding a bad element. Too many "yuppies," and spoiled "hipsters" who think "Oooh, wouldn't it be cool to move to Colorado?" are driving up the price of real estate, as they see renting as a way of life. Roads are getting terribly congested, and the tolls are $2.50 on 470 every few miles because the people refused to say yes to a few cents out of their taxes. The governor is wishy washy; a liberal corporatist. It USED to be nice here.
Barb | Parker, CO | Report Abuse