United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

Full of passive aggressive drug addicts
Star Rating - 7/4/2020
My biggest complaint is that while Denver used to be the friendliest city in America it is know the most frighteningly passive aggressive cities in America.

Jobs here are full of passive aggressive employees who gossip and talk smack about each other behind each other’s backs. They will get you fired just because you don’t show any interest in going and getting black out drunk and snorting cocaine after work, or they just don’t like you for some totally unknown reason.

In every apartment building there are a handful of creepy passive aggressive stalker types who are angry that they are under achieving losers. They usually target people like me who ignore them. They will not stop stalking and harassing you until you call the police and get restraining orders. I have never had any restraining orders against anyone anywhere else, not even in the lunatic asylum known as the Bay Area.

Also people here often act shockingly unprofessional at their jobs. For example: Last week I went to Denver health (the only major hospital in Denver proper) to get tested for covid. The nurse who helped me suddenly, creepily our of the blue decided to start bragging to me about how he loves doing drugs (not just weed). Wtf dude?! First of all I’ve been told that I look like a veteran so I don’t know why he thought I would be cool with that. Secondly hardcore psycho drug addicts should not be nurses. I guess since pretty much everyone in Denver is addicted to every drug known to man the hospital has no choice but to hire those dead beats
Honest | Denver, CO
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2 Replies

I do believe that Denver attracts misfits who would not do well in most other major cities. People dress like slobs And there are way too many millennials!
Susanna | Cherry Creek, CO | Report Abuse