United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

here come barbie and ken on their mountain bikes..
Star Rating - 10/10/2007
Okay, here's my 7 cents worth...I'm a Colorado Native...lived in the Denver/Boulder areas for the first 26 years of my life, more or less. I've lived in other parts of the world, and I've visited many cities in the U.S. But i think it's only fair for me to compare to the two other cities i've lived in the U.S. - Albuquerque and Salt Lake City and also just the general feeling I've had about this city and Colorado in general since I got out and saw/experienced a lot more of the world. In short, Denver's not my kind of town - at all. It feels like it's full of a lot of plastic, vanilla, no personality people, just the city itself. Honestly i don't think denver has really ever had much personality beyond cowtown; but nowadays, it isn't even that really...though some of that lingers...just check out the radio. Salt Lake City compared to Denver, (and i'm talking metro here more or less of both) is WAY more diverse, especially in that it's a lot more integrated. Albuquerque, on that front, takes the cake from both of them. I just find Denver to be ultra blah...i think financially, you can do pretty well and join the homogenous middle-class ranks without too much struggle...but it's way segregated, and it's hard to find someone who'll engage in any kind of intelligent conversation, however very easy to find someone who'll discuss the latest in sports be it the Broncos, Rockies, Avalanche, etc. I'm only back here temporarily before heading to the NYC area where I feel much more at home. I don't think Denverites are all that friendly, and when they are, it feels really fake. Wash Park is nice but i get disconcerted by how it's filled with look-alikes...compared to Liberty Park in SLC which is actually an even nicer park but you'll find all kinds enjoying the park from a muslim woman jogging in hijab and skirt, to thuggish cholos with their families, to young college kids playing ultimate frisbee, to young goths, etc...all kinds of ethnicities, social classes, interests, all sharing and enjoying the park. That's my kind of place. I think that the majority of Colorado is filled with conservative white rednecks...tanned, cute, fit ken and barbie doll-like rednecks at heart. Small-minded, not well-read, rather living in their perfect little suburban bubble worlds...and the liberals here? They all pretty much consist of equally small-minded, middle to upper-middle class potheads, who hang around with a look-alike crowd as well. Oh well, what can I say, this just isn't my kind of place.
kristin | Denver, CO
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10 Replies

Kristen, I don't understand. You say that you prefer a park where there's representation from many cultures congregating there. You also say that Colorado is filled with "conservative white rednecks...tanned, cute, fit ken and barbie doll-like rednecks at heart. Small-minded, not well-read, rather living in their perfect little suburban bubble worlds". Don't you think that your attitude is racist? You are saying that you have a problem with any neighborhood that consists of a majority one race or culture. Presumably thereore, if you go to Dearborn MI you would rant that about the "Ken and Barbie burka wearing muslims". If you were in Detroit your rant would be "Ken and Barbie dark skinned jogging pants wearing gangstas", and if you were in Chinatown it would be " Ken and Barbie kimona wearing ninjas". Or do you save your prejudice for only (presumably) white Ken and Barbies? There is NOTHING wrong with integrated diverse neighborhoods and there is equally NOTHING wrong with homogonous same-race/culture neighborhoods. GET OVER IT.
Andrew | El Paso, TX | Report Abuse

Hey; Some of these reviews are really starting to scare me. I was thinking of relocating to Denver or Boulder because I love the mountains, desert landscape, hiking and skiing. Also I heard that Boulder was liberal and Denver as well. But now I'm hearing about fake liberals, hicks, rednecks, gangs, conservatives, etc. I am a gay agnostic man and have ZERO interest in religion, conservativism or anything revolving around drunken, football-talking, hyped-up testosterone ravaged straight men. DO I sound like a bad match for Colorado? Thanks, Eric
Eric | Huntsville, AL | Report Abuse

its true, you didnt emphasize the rudeness and snobbiness out here. People are plain jerks. Rude, rude, rude. A lot of hate!
John | Aurora, CO | Report Abuse

To Hunter: It truly gladdens my heart that someone like you believes Albuquerque to be a "s***hole" and that Denver is a wonderful place for people like you. It gladdens me because it means that you and the likes of you won't be moving to my corners of the world and ruining them. Thank you.
kristin | Pine, CO | Report Abuse

To e: Have you checked out Santa Fe? I mean if you are into desert landscapes, Denver/Boulder is not really that - it's high plains desert. It's all pretty much midwestern. Yes Boulder is more "liberal" but liberal to the point of ridiculousness - like making it a law that you can't be called a Dog Owner because that's not respecting the rights of the Dog. And it's also not diverse, like, at all.
kristin | Pine, CO | Report Abuse

re: Andrew's response: You assume that I enjoyed the multi-cultural, diversity of the park I mentioned in my original post from a distance and that when it comes to who I "really" hang out with - it's people from my own race, nationality, economic background. That's funny that you would have that assumption. So I'm going to assume that you live in and love Denver and/or the surrounding areas. I hate to burst your bubble - but actually my friends, husband, etc are from all over the world, coming from various ethnic, social, economic, and religious backgrounds. I feel at home when I am sharing the space with people who are not a mirror reflection of me. I find it much more interesting and engaging to interact with those who did not grow up with the exact same experience as me. It's what makes being on this earth for the short time we have - worthwhile. Sorry to bust your stereotyping, assumptive, little bubble.
kristin | Pine, CO | Report Abuse

I have to pitch in here and mention, first of all regarding the diversity issue, i was born and raised in Albuquerque and it can be summed up quite easily, Mexican American and Native American two realms of cultural differences sort of mixed together to form its own flavor, but in the bigger picture Albuquerque is pretty boring after a while. How do you define diverse? I completely understand where your feelings are coming from. I think you are attracted to the idea of something that is different than what you have been exposed to for most of your life and you are confusing the diversity within each city alone with the diversity between Albuquerque, Salt Lake City and Denver comparatively and your desire to leave the familiarity of the Mile High City. You simply want to move out of the for the most part homogenously white city of Denver to the for the most part homogenously Mexican American city of Albuquerque where life there is just as saturated with the same old, same old stuff as Denver is saturated with its same old, same old stuff. However, change is a much quicker process in Denver. To say that it is more diverse is not accurate, it is only different.
Nick | Canon City, CO | Report Abuse

thanks for the spill dude. I am from Salt Lake, just recently returned from traveling, have live in London and Sydney, and was considering looking for work in Colorado. This review is helpful as it touches on all the aspects of Denver I have been wondering about. And the fact that you have lived in SLC adds value.
Whit | Salt Lake City, UT | Report Abuse

"here come barbie and ken on their mountain bikes.." Thanks for the laugh!
kramercat | Scottsdale, AZ | Report Abuse

andrew - i think kristen's points concerning her observation that people in denver tend to generally look like a barbie or ken doll might reflect that denver can seem very segregated (not overtly or maybe even at all racist, per say, but segregated) so when in denver, people tend to see people that look a lot like they do. i do not think that is racist to observe that. and i think that, even if we do not regularly converse with those of other ethnicities or economic statuses, when the stores, the restaurants, the commuters, entertainment, etc. is more reflective of more of a cross section of humanity, we CAN all benefit from that exposure, and we CAN feel that in the overall CULTURE of a place. no, there isn't necessarily something wrong with a neighborhood of similarity, though when similarity results in ignorance, avoidance when difference DOES cross our paths, misunderstanding that might not otherwise occur with more exposure, and even strife, i would argue that could be a problem and that kristen's points might be valid. personally, i know i can feel the lack of exposure in some regions (and so some of the aforementioned here) that happen to be more white upper-middle class, for example, relative to other regions that are more culturally rich. i have even been in some regions that are not terribly diverse, but are still more engaging or interested, perhaps due to history, perhaps due to proximity and what is fostered in those areas. seems kristen's points might be along lines that much of denver metro can feel more sheltered and 1D than that.
kevin | Denver, CO | Report Abuse