United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

Citizens, Culture, & Hospitality
Star Rating - 5/27/2015
Introverts and judgy citizens! Being from the city of Dunver, Bororado I have seen the whole state and I am here to tell you once you visit San Luis Valley you can really get a feel for Colorado. Citizens of the State of Colorado and City of Denver have no clue how immature and rude the people residing here are.I have been in Colorado off and on for 32 years of horrible seasons and experiences and I am done with the lacking of hospitality.If something is fake most people dont want to deal with it or find it hard to believe and must do research, well if your the curious type individual have at it but be prepared and bring one or two friends as you will find no culture in Colorado just over opininated introverts that keep secret everything and enjoy lonely activities. I have been down the whole west coast from Vancouver all the way to the Mexican Rocky
Mountains and have met more interesting people in Portland, Oregon than Denver. Denver is filled with bland shallow people enjoying movies and video games acting like marijuana makes a great temporary get away from the reality of a lame town. The layout of the city is great and there is beautiful parks and recreation if the people would ever find there way to finding outdoor group activities being fun. Most individuals enjoy lonely activities or it must be with family. I think the large hispanic families that keep it within the culture cause this issue as well as the surrounding states like IOWA that come to Denver to get away from their boring hillbilly towns corrupting our nicely mapped out and developed city. The traffic does suck and the drivers are strange. Maybe if people werent worried about coming off wierd or oddly strange from being stuck inside all winter it would create a better Vibe. Sincerely Blake ST.
Blake | Sherrelwood, CO
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