United States / Colorado / Edwards Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Edwards, Colorado

Fantastic Place for summer
Star Rating - 5/13/2018
Fantastic place for a summertime home. Fabulous weather and beautiful scenery. Spent our summers here for 22 years and still coming back for more. The area is rapidly growing and is in an ongoing drought... These are two very troubling issues for Eagle County and the entire Rocky Mountain area.
As longtime residents we are not upbeat about (with) all the growth in the area. There are infrastructure issues, water concerns,etc. And we just do not want to see anymore people here. Eagle County is aggressively promoting and encouraging growth to the area. Which we see as a negative...
The once sleepy town is almost a resort of its own now. All in all, my favorite place in all the world.

Carey | Edwards, CO
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