Review of Falmouth me Not Fo, North Dakota

Education in Falmouth Maine K-12 and College
Star Rating - 1/31/2010
Falmouth K-12 schools consistantly score high on the states standardized tests. While my daughter was in private schools in CA, I am confortable with the education offered by Falmouth. The teachers may be a bit better than average, the schools all have an insane over liberal attitude that they pass on to the kids. I think when these children hit the work world of responsibilites, deadlines, and no excuses they will be shocked by reality. I think the high test scores come more from high percentage of well educated sucessful parents that set expectations and guide their kids. Class sizes are reasonable. For middle school and beyond there is the daily "late bus" to get kid home from activities. Staying after to get extra teacher help is common, not a punishment. We have a new high school and soon a new elemenary school too. At the older levels there is some amount of "clickish" behavior, but not to the extent you see in CA. The town has some very wealthy families, but is mostly middle class. The town community programs offers summer camp and after school activity programs that are very good. We dont really have serious problems with violence.

Unlike many areas of the country most adults in Maine often do not continue with education throughout their lives. As an employeer I felt as if employees expected to advance but seldom expected that they would have to take the initative to learn new skills. Most were willing to take classes when it was on company time and expense. Nearby we have community colleges and a state university, plus a few private colleges. With the population in Maine so spread out I think often the driving distance to get to a class is an issue in addition to time and oost. If continued college education is important to you, Boston would be a much better choice. Overall I think our Colleges are average, some specific programs are nationally recongnized.
S E | Falmouth, ME
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- 1/31/2010
Plenty to do
Falmouth borders Portland, Maines largest city, so the nationally reconginized resturants,...
S E | Falmouth, ME | No Replies