Maine Reviews

35 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Maine

In Maine, many people have chosen to make their home in this beautiful state. From its quaint coastal towns to its rugged wilderness, Maine offers a unique lifestyle that appeals to a diverse range of individuals. However, as with any place, living in Maine has its own set of advantages and drawbacks. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in this particular place, let's take a look at what some users have to say about their experiences in Maine.

According to reviews on, living in Maine is a mixed bag for many individuals. Some users rave about the state's natural beauty and strong sense of community, while others criticize the high cost of living and limited job opportunities. One user, named John, shares, "Maine is a beautiful place to live, with its charming small towns and stunning landscapes. The people here are also incredibly friendly and welcoming." On the other hand, another user named Emily mentions, "As much as I love Maine's scenery, the high costs of housing and goods here can really put a strain on one's budget." Along with high costs, limited job opportunities is another common concern among reviewers. As user Mark puts it, "I've been struggling to find a decent paying job in Maine for years. The lack of job growth and diversity is definitely a downside to living here." However, not all users have the same experience. One reviewer named Sarah shares, "I moved to Maine for its slower pace of life and haven't regretted it. I love that I can go hiking or kayaking right in my backyard, and the cost of living is reasonable for what you get." Overall, it seems that Maine offers a unique and diverse living experience, with both its pros and cons.

 based on 35 Reviews
Get to know Maine with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Maine

The way life is! - 4/3/2020
I've been in Maine of and on my whole life. Maine folks for the most part are not very complicated. The drug epidemic has gotten better I think. If you enjoy shopping I hope you don't mind shopping online because that's about all your gonna get around here. Jobs are few and far between and when you get one the pay is minimal. I've worked at the same job for 19 years never gotten a raise or bonus or even a vacation. No overtime & I only get paid minimum wage. And this is in the healthcare industry. How messed up is that! Good luck when it comes to finding a Good Doctor or mental health professional. The last time I attempted to go the Dr cancelled on me the first 4 times I scheduled it was 8 months before I got in to see her and by then I was so discouraged I gave up and didn't go. all that negative asside Maine is absolutely stunning words can't do justice in the fall. I've lived on the coast and In very rural Maine and I could say positive and negative things about both. But can't Read More

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winters - 2/19/2015
We are on this site to exit Maine in the winter. It is a beautiful and expensive (taxes) state. We plan to stay here most of the year, as 3 of the seasons are beautiful. It is relatively safe here (safe neighborhoods and mostly safe wildlife/bugs) and we have ocean, lakes and Mountains to enjoy. I do not suggest moving here until you rent for a winter- they are cold, there is a snow storm every week and it is expensive ( plowing/shoveling, roof raking, car damage, canceled school/missing work, heating). Also- upstate is cheap BUT there is nothing to do up North unless you are an outdoors enthusiast or a hunter, and there is minimal work unless you are in Health care or can get a factory job. Also - there is a different breed of person up north , not always welcoming with non-natives. Prices are enticing up north, but visit first or you will regret Read More

JOBS/WEATHER - 2/8/2014
Unless you want to live around Portland Maine or maybe BIW, not much work in Maine, except min wage...Weather from Sept thru May, you freeze your butt off, put kids in long johns for Halloween..From Bangor on up, LOTS of snow by the footage..beautiful lakes though.Lived in maine most of my life. I left 10 yrs ago,I don't feel ppl are real friendly on the average.Taxes are AWFUL on small ranches, just amagine a big house of maybe 1800 sg ft.Heating fuel> bring your wallet...The summer is NICE from June to end of Aug.Thats all.....Save your self some time and money folks, you wont stay long...unless its just a getta way for you in the summer.....Taxes are terrible....Wait till you register your car or buy a home. Its a POOR STATE and I have know idea what Augusta>capital is Read More

Please help " be honest" - 5/19/2013
Hi! This is my replay to " THINK TWINCE" as well as everyone else that has write on here.
My name is Sam and Im a 25 year old women who is single , no kids and no pets! I went to Portland for vacation and I feel in love . Since then I've been planning and saving and doing so much research in moving to Portland , BUT reading what you guys have says I am little scared that this might be a mistake and maybe I should save " Portland" as my vacation spot ... Please be honest with Read More

Please help " be honest" - 5/19/2013
Hi! This is my replay to " THINK TWINCE" as well as everyone else that has write on here.
My name is Sam and Im a 25 year old women who is single , no kids and no pets! I went to Portland for vacation and I feel in love . Since then I've been planning and saving and doing so much research in moving to Portland , BUT reading what you guys have says I am little scared that this might be a mistake and maybe I should save " Portland" as my vacation spot ... Please be honest with Read More

Consider The Whole Package Maine Offers. - 4/13/2013
If you like bumper to bumper traffic, you won't be happy in Maine. If you don't make eye contact where you live now and are always, always aware of crime, protecting your loved one, Maine is not going to be the same day to day living.

If you like the idea of not having a mortgage at all, being debt free or carrying a very small loan amount on low cost property, Maine is something you can warm up to.

The cost of property and car insurance in the 4th lowest crime state is low too. So when you consider what is important in quality of life, the rural state of Maine with four season outdoor drop dead gorgeous beauty wins hands down. Everything.

What is important in life is family, relationships, feeling safe, content, and that you matter in a small Maine town. You do. Because everyone is more connected, works together for the greater good. It is home made, down to Earth. Common sense and basic values, beliefs still apply. Everything is not wishy Read More

Maine's Economy as of 2010 - 10/3/2010
Someone once told me that..."Maine is a state with two income levels...the rich and poor" For the most part, I agree with him. Out of state people, the rich folks, tend to live along Maine's coastline; the poor everywhere else. However, they are a few lucky souls who do manage to the reach medium income level and they are usually in Healthcare, small businesses, or some other field, but I am not sure exactly their numbers; maybe somewhere between the two Read More

las vegas nv - 8/15/2010
Their is always a lot to do. living in las vegas is very fast paced and sometimes Read More

Response to Don't stay too long - 8/10/2010
As a Mainer most of my life I'm 54, I have to agree and am taken by the accuracy of your observations of Portland,Maine. Yes, it has a beautiful harbor, and area coastline. But the natives aren't friendly, and even for us residents its hard to get to know your neighbor. Most people up here say "hi" then keep to themselves. Its the Maine way, independent. I moved two hours up the coast a few years back and even I was considered an "outsider." My accent didn't even help, nor that I was a third generation Mainer. As far as the diversity of color in Portland, you saw the newly arrived Somalian population.
Their presence has altered the streetscape of Portland dramatically. After many issues since their transplanted move from Georgia, I've come to the belief that too much diversity in a small city isn't successful, a balance needs to be made. With so many cultures now in this city of about 70,000 much gets lost in the translation. A larger city can handle the numbers. A local Read More

Considering.... - 7/28/2010
Maine is a pleasant enough state although I've grown tired of the long winters
after so many years. Its summer now and am loving the 90 degree heat& humidity.
It makes me aware of just how much of the year I "put up" with the less desirable season of snow, cold, and ice. Taxes are a big deal in this state as it discourages any form of small business growth therefore relying on its citizens and tourists to support the big government this state has become. The state slogan "the way life should be" really applies to the wealthy visitors or transplant out of state retiree's and not the average resident who can barely afford to live here. Simply put our cost of living is very high. Portland is a great city,not too big or small with a variety of venues to satisfy most tastes, from restaurants, arts, beautiful ocean views. Crime is growing as we have become a suburb of Boston. Much ethnic diversity is ever present in the area as well with as many as 100 different languages Read More


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