Review of Grand Juncti,

No Occupancy, Over crowded, High Cost of living
Star Rating - 2/16/2021
As a GJ Native, BORN HERE, (clarification for the transplants who ask what tribe) it used to be a great place to live. Unfortunately too many people from outside have came in, (mostly Californians) and demanded it change. They all left their states because of the government, taxes, schools, etc. etc. They saw Grand Junction as a "Better place to Live". Yet when they get here they try and change it to the place they just left. They say, " we can make it better." Fact is it was already better before you got here or you wouldn't have moved here. Learn to adapt to the way life has always been here. We like it that way. Liberals has tried to bring their tax tax tax, grow grow grow mentality with them. Fact is, as a native of the valley I liked the slower pace. I don't mind the once or twice a year drive to the polluted other side of the hill, (Denver) to get a few necessities that aren't available here. The cost of living is HUGE, (unaffordable if you grew up here or own your own business) if you compare the pay scales. Lots of fast food, hospitality, and retail jobs but not much of anything else. Housing has became far too expensive especially for those whom rent. A 2% occupancy rate for them. Californians are driving up the price of homes, at an alarming rate, and bringing their negative karma with them. Cant go to the mountains and enjoy a quiet weekend any more with out them blasting radios, and riding SxSides with loud pipes through the lands. People hacking down trees and bushes to burn instead of packing wood before they come up. We used to be able to enjoy a quit camp site as if it were our living room. Now people walk through your camp sites as if it was their own living room. Roadways are becoming crowded, and people drive like they are in a huge hurry, disobeying speed limits and running red lights. (another California thing) The economy is dependent on the oil and gas industry which is a roller coaster ride. Up for a few years then down. Been down now since 2008, and as long as the democrat's keep wanting to depend on foreign oil it will remain that way. Huge suicide rate in the valley as well as meth problem. Salt Lake and Denver bus their homeless here and they are all parked on corners begging for beer and drug money. Why do I still live here? Because it is my HOME and I treat it that way. Far to many people have moved here and don't respect it. It is just another place they have lived to them.
Bert | Fruita, CO
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Bert, I’m afraid that what you have observed and experienced in GJ is happening everywhere in Colorado, the United States and the Western world. If you go to the population clock at the Census Bureau web site, you will see that there is one additional American every 15 seconds. Scroll across the screen to the world population clock and you will see, if you freeze the frame 15 seconds apart, that there are 65 additional people.
Joseph | Darien, IL | Report Abuse

Careful, Gramps, your privilege is showing. You may as well own it: if you want Grand Junction to return to the days of your childhood, that means you want it back in the 1950s and 60s, when Grand Junction had some of the most stringently enforced Sundown Laws in Colorado. You remember, those "good ol' days," when the KKK had its headquarters here? Hey all you folks who want to move here and "ruin it," Gramps Bert is right. It IS terrible here. But not for the reasons he mentioned. It's terrible here because people fly confederate flags, have White Power stickers on their cars and vandalize yards with BLM signs. They'll run you off the road if you've got a bumper sticker endorsing a Democratic candidate. Oh, you might find a few liberals over by the university, but most of the people here are small-minded, white supremacist, COVID-deniers. It's June 2021, we are still a COVID hotspot, and only 36% of the Valley residents are vaccinated because they think it was a HOAX. Do you care about climate change? Don't move here, this is a fracking town. Windmills cause cancer, doncha know? Just ask any of the maskless roughnecks mobbing the liquor stores every day around 5 p.m. when they come in from the field. They're easy to spot: driving HUGE gas-guzzling pickup trucks with decals bragging about their right to own military-grade weapons. Go ahead, ask them about their carbon footprint, or if they're worried about their rigs desecrating sacred Native American land. See if they want to go out for vegan food, maybe talk about women's rights. These guys are Grandpa Bert's idea of Grand Junction's ideal citizens. This town is perfect ... IF you're a roughneck, or a super-entitled trust fund kid, or a person who thinks there should be no separation between church and state. But if you care about human rights, or equal rights or a woman's right to choose, steer clear. All of society's ills are well-represented here -- homelessness, unemployment, crime, youth suicide, (and did I mention the District 51's low-rated schools? Look it up.) But these problems are caused by the folks who want to keep tax dollars from helping the people who need and paid for tax-funded programs -- people who vote like Grampa Bert. Now don't get yourselves in an uproar because I'm calling him Grandpa Bert. I'm on Social Security. Moved here to retire but I'm leaving because I can't stand the small-minded crazies. If you have any doubt that this place is full of them, look no further than our 3rd District Representative, Lauren Boebert. She won by a landslide here. If she's your idea of a brainiac, you'll love it here. Otherwise, do your research. Durango or Fort Collins will suit you better.
Katiye | Palisade, CO | Report Abuse

This appears to be a well written thoughtful comment; however it also appears to be a very politically biased comment.
Nick | Village of Oak Creek (Big Park), AZ | Report Abuse

Oh Katiye you poor liberal soul. Go back to the shit state California with your garbage mentality, and take your cancer vaccines with you! majority of patriots know BLM is a fraudulent terrorist group along with Antifa which I’m sure you support as well. If you don’t like the more conservative cities, then gtfo and find your hole in the ground somewhere else. Don’t try to infiltrate every piece of land with your sheepish idiocy. No one wants to be around that BS.
Steph | Coral Springs, FL | Report Abuse

Oh Katiye you poor liberal soul. Go back to the ?? state of California with your garbage mentality, and take your cancer vaccines and face suffocation with you! majority of patriots know BLM is a fraudulent terrorist group along with Antifa which I’m sure you support as well. If you don’t like the more conservative cities, then leave and find your hole in the ground somewhere else. Don’t try to infiltrate every piece of land with your sheepish idiocy. No one wants to be around that BS.
Steph | Coral Springs, FL | Report Abuse

Oh poor, misguided Steph. It's sad you believe BLM and Antifa pose the greatest threat to the homeland. DHS and the FBI have been saying for _years_ that right-wing Y'all Qaeda trash like the Proud Boys, Boogaloos, and III Percenters are the most likely ones to launch a domestic terrorist attack, but you do you snowflake.
Tom | Parker, CO | Report Abuse
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