Review of Kailua (Hawaii County) hi Not Fo, North Dakota

Air Quality
Star Rating - 6/18/2008
Since March of 2008 the Volcano, Kilauea/Mauna Loa, has been spewing out a huge amount of volcanic gases aka "VOG"... volcanic smog. This vog consists of sulfer dioxide and carbon dioxide. These gases are major contributers to acid rain and the greenhouse effect traditionally associated with combustion engines, China and Al Gore.
For those who suffer from breathing disorders i.e. asthma, these volcanic gases are debilitating; many people are forced to move to less effected parts of the Big Island or even off island.
Effects of these gases are burning eyes, nose, throat and lungs. The carbon dioxide is killing crops in some places in close proximity to the volcano. Some residential neighborhoods have been evacuated due to the high level of noxious volcanic gases.
My recommendation: if you are traveling to the Big Island, check the vog conditions first, especially if you suffer from a breathing disorder.
If you are planning on moving here, consider how much you like to breathe clean air.
No one knows when the volcano's spewing of noxious gases will slow to previous, more tolerable levels; it could slow tomorrow or it could slow 50 years from now or longer.
John | Honalo, HI
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- 11/5/2014
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