Review of Laredo tx Not Fo, North Dakota

Economy / Jobs
Star Rating - 7/10/2016
The only occupation that is growing, in my opinion, is the transportation / trucking industry. I worked in that field for 18 yrs. and take it from me, unless you are the owner of the company or are a broker, you don't make the money that they lead you to believe. I fell for the propaganda it it lead me nowhere.

Now, if you are not a licensed professional such as: a teacher, police officer, doctor, lawyer, engineer, politician or an owner of your own restaurant chain franchise, you are up S*** Creak without a paddle. You won't be able to afford the "NICE APARTMENT" or the " FANCY HOUSE "in the nicer neighberhoods where you can walk at night without the fear of being mugged!! Because if you are lucky enough to be working for $7.25 an hour, for 40 hrs. per week; you'll be making JUST BARELY ENOUGH to get by. And that my friends is not enough to rent a $475 dollar apartment in the downtown area and still buy your: food, gas, car payment, cloths, cable, internet, 1 movie once a month, and maybe just maybe 1 six-pack a month. Not going to happen!!!!

Jobs in the mall, warehousemen, fork-lift operators, waiters / waitresses, mechanics, heavy machine operators, delivery drivers do not make enough to live on your own and afford the things that we all need to live on.

So, think twice and think again before you decide to move to Laredo, Tx.
Stardust52 | Laredo, TX
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3 Replies

I agree import and Export Companies should pay an Education Tax to pay for Free Higher Education for Residents.. no way would I be able to Survive with less than $160,000 a yr including Health and a a retirement plan at lease 75/50% investment... believe me I wish I could Return to my home town But a change must take place first
Claudia | Kenosha, WI | Report Abuse

Dude... that describes the situation in the entire United States. Where have you been that you don't know?
Wowzer | Hawaiian Beaches, HI | Report Abuse

I wish that all the people who agreed and disagreed would’ve put their job title or income plus how much they make
Lorie | New Britain, CT | Report Abuse
- 7/10/2016
HOT-----HOTTER------and as FLUFFY would say-------
If you like DRY, ARID HEAT, Laredo is for you. Now I'm not talking beach heat with a warm ...
Stardust52 | Laredo, TX | No Replies

- 12/21/2012
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Bp | Ogden, UT | No Replies

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Bp | Ogden, UT | No Replies

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It is a good place to shop. Plenty of variety....
Steven | Laredo, TX | No Replies

- 7/26/2011
no family parks or recreations
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Jorge | Laredo, TX | No Replies