Review of Laughlin nv Not Fo, North Dakota

doctors per capita
Star Rating - 7/8/2007
The population of laughlin is approx 7200 full time residents. There are 2 doctors that are on staff 24/7 at the University Medical Center, care center. So, that is 1 doc for every 3600 people.
barry | Laughlin, NV
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- 11/20/2021
Small town with nothing to offer
Boring little casino town. Good way to waste your life here. You got Meth-head city across...
Anne | Laughlin, NV | 1 Reply

- 1/30/2019
Beautiful Mountains. Small Town Feel. Conservative
I divide my time between Laughlin and work on the road and I always look forward to coming...
Candace | Laughlin, NV | No Replies

- 1/14/2015
Laughlin, NV Air Quality
think of relocating to Laughlin. Every factor looks good except the air quality rating. ...
Carol | Midland, TX | No Replies

- 4/24/2008
Nice area
On the Colorado River and beautiful weather all year around...
Curt | Laughlin, NV | No Replies

- 7/8/2007
Housing Prices
The cheapest housing in Laughlin is in the low 200's. New starts in the low 200's to the h...
barry | Laughlin, NV | No Replies