Review of Louisville, Kentucky

Louisville is Great: If You Have Never Left
Star Rating - 9/29/2015
These comments got me thrown off of City Data forever. In my naivetƩ, I thought differences of opinion were tolerated and even appreciated on these types of sites. I guess George Orwell and Aldous Huxley knew what they were talking about.
Try to read this post with some objectivity. I know how defensive folks from Louisville get about any criticism posed towards the city. However, remember without any critical analysis, a city never progresses. In addition, in order to truly evaluate a place, you need to have spent some time living elsewhere. If you have resided in Louisville your whole life, were educated nearby, and have all your connections in this one place, you are unable to objectify what life is like in this city.

I am compelled to move back to Louisville for financial reasons that are too convoluted to describe. I have allowed myself 6 months to a year back before I launch myself to a more salubrious environment, hopefully somewhere in Europe. I know the Louisville protectors will exclaim, "Get out now!" Yet, hold your vitriol until you address my extensive reasons for disliking your city of Louisville, Kentucky. I believe I can be objective having lived in New York City, Washington D.C., Madison, Wisconsin, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Milwaukee, and Cincinnati.
Reasons for Disliking Louisville:
1. The sorry infrastructure causes problems familiar to a third world country. I wondered why so many homes have personal generators. When there is a simple rainstorm, the electricity will go out. It happens all the time. It is reminiscent of the Caribbean and Mexico.
Flooding is a constant issue along the Ohio River. This doesn't happen on the Cincinnati side of the Ohio River. Why can't Louisville utilize engineering that has been around for more then a century to alleviate the issue? Oh, be prepared for cable and Internet service to be interrupted when there is a rainstorm. Remember, Louisville is in the Caribbean and you must be patient. The roads and highways were constructed with no forethought. Thus, there are traffic jams when there isn't enough population to cause any traffic backup. The traffic lights aren't timed and they hang from flimsy cross street wiring. The traffic lights also malfunction often during storms.

2. The poor educational system creates a huge intellectual gap. This will drive folks here up the wall, but many people are very poorly educated. Their speaking, writing, and analytical skills are sub par. This fact causes numerous problems. Folks do not communicate well and they have difficulty-understanding nuance. Services are poorly done and explanations have to be repeated constantly. As a result, there is a complete lack of excellence emulating from Louisville. The buildings are poorly constructed. The efficiency of everything is compromised. The electricians, plumbers, HVAC, IT developers, teachers, attorneys, physicians, etc. for the most part are not intellectually in tune, and are behind in what they know. Although you will never get anyone in Louisville to admit it, the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky are not stellar academic institutions and rank in the bottom, nationally, in most areas.

3. There is a lack of class mobility in the city that effects class relations. The lower classes are angry at the upper classes, and the upper classes have disdain for the lower classes. Socio-economic lines are entrenched, and they do not mix. This also effects race relations, which are poor. Racism and ethnic myopia are very rampant in Louisville. Since we live in a fairly affluent community, tradesmen see nothing wrong in over charging us. When I asked a particular plumber about the ridiculous charges, he said, "Hey look where you live, you can afford it. Louisville also has an established oligarchy that controls the city politically and economically.

4. Louisville is very parochial. People want to know what high school you attended and what sub-division you live in, in order to place you on a "scale of importance." By the way, this city loves sub-divisions. Homogeny, in all its forms, is respected and worshipped. Homes, by and large, look alike and try not to swerve from the norm. The homes are built for size and not for any sense of style or aesthetics. Modern architecture is hard to find and does not go over well. The city tries not to control development. It is almost like the Wild West, as structures arise with no sense of the surroundings or urban scape. Its supposedly "Bohemian" area, known as the Highlands, is a hodgepodge of parking lots, tattoo parlors, antique stores, music clubs, fast food joints and restaurants and lounges. Its walkability is nil, since there is no urban planning. You try and walk it, but used car lots and broken sidewalks do not make it easy or pleasant.

5. The people living in Louisville are not warm. They are genteel and polite, but this is more because of a lack of directness and candor. Politeness can veil what is real, as in a Tennessee Williams play. However, talking behind someone's back is considered fair play. I am a hugger and tend to be an emotional man due to my ethnic New York upbringing. Just try and hug a man in Louisville. The dudes jump out of their skin. Louisville is a very conservative community and does not like expressions of emotion or passion. Even the LGBT community is conservative. Flamboyance often is not tolerated in the city. Making friends, if you do not fit the norm or if you did not grow up here, is almost impossible.

6. There is a large military presence in the city. It is perceptible by the way certain folks interact with you. There are many military posts in Kentucky and Louisvilleā€™s HR departments favor folks who served in the armed forces. This is all fine and dandy if you want an abrupt, impersonal, ambiance in your life. It is not for me personally. Abstractions are not handled well, and there is a militaristic affect that permeates certain arenas. It is not my cup of tea as a person who appreciates intellectualism, culture, and the arts. Military folks can be highly intelligent, but that would not include much discourse or an enjoyment of a cafe style of life.

7. Louisville is an ugly city. Except for Main Street near the 21 C Hotel, the urban development is non-existent. Downtown is a ghost town at night, except for the homage to the generic called "Fourth Street Live." I once asked the bartender where all the cool people at the bar hang out. Her response was, "other cities."

8. I grow tired of what I call the "Louisville Stare." If you confront someone for doing something wrong or stupid, instead of responding intelligently, folks often will just stare at you wordlessly. I'll just give you a few examples:
a. My Mailman told me that I should be careful of all the Mexicans that might drive around the neighborhood. I said, "Do you mean all Mexicans are people to be wary about?" He stared at me for several minutes and then got into his truck and drove off.
b. The lawn service I hired kept driving over a wet valley with newly sodded grass planted. When I pointed this out for the third time, the dude took off his protective earmuffs and brought the dangling cigarette away from his mouth and just stared at me. After several minutes he rode off.
c. When I pointed out to my plumber that the newly built shower was not draining due to the lack of an incline, he just stared for a few minutes walked out never to be heard of again.

9. The dining scene is touted by everyone from Louisville. I have no idea what they are comparing the dining scene to. It's doesn't compare to New York, Austin, Cincinnati, Denver, Portland, Minneapolis, San Diego etc. I guess it's good compared to Lexington and Frankfort. However, there is no "real" Italian restaurant, one ersatz French restaurant, and most of the chefs trained at Sullivan University and cook the same "Southern" style of food. How many grits and fried chicken can you eat? Even the restaurants in Nulu are very pedestrian compared to other cities with the population of Louisville.

10. The most interesting folks I have met in the city are Baptist ministers. They are willing to converse philosophically and have some degree of critical analysis in their beliefs. However, as I have mentioned to them, there is a Christian "holier than now" ambiance within the city and surrounding areas. This self-righteousness can get very ugly.

11. While the "Actor's Theater" is well respected nationally, regional theater in the Louisville area is very "home spun." The art scene is non-existent except for the 21 C hotel. If you like crafty stuff, the city is good
The music scene is okay if you like the Blues, and Southern Rock. There is very little jazz, opera, and superlative classical available. Dance is non-existent for both ballet and modern except for what tours nationally. There is no sidewalk cafe scene where people can sit, drink, talk and wile away the hours in a European manner. That does not exist in Louisville. The culture is not Midwest. It is more of an amalgam of Appalachia and the South. Thus, the city does not have a Midwest work ethic. Lunch hours stretch out and a three-day weekend often becomes a four-day weekend. Time is flexible and if work starts at 8:00 AM, people will stagger in late.

12. I could go on and on, but I do have to do some work. The question may be asked that there is no city that would meet my needs outside of a major metropolis. That's not true. Here is a short list:
CHICAGO (It is larger, I know)

Phil | Prospect, KY
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3 Replies

You Nailed it so TRUE!!! GJ!!
Lisa | Lyndon, KY | Report Abuse

Lou-Evil would be better called by a more appropriate name such as Lou-Billy a reference to the uneducated Billy Bob population of the city and most surrounding areas. The thing I've readily noticed about Louisville is whereas most cities have professional people mostly good and bad who act at least remotely professional and try to be intelligent. Even those who are scoundrels at least try the part. What you will find in Louisville is people who act like emmmm might I say rednecks in suits and dresses. You will also run into people that for some reason are in positions of authority in hiring and other business decisions who have serious problems spelling and writing somewhat coherently. Not only that but they lack basic professional courtesies and skills that one would at least find reasonably attractive out of those claiming to be in business or professional pursuits. Even worse, is the basic education level of the average Louisvillian in that a sizable majority of the population that works and lives in Louisville obviously has never really been to other cities or urban areas outside of maybe Lexington and perhaps Cincinnati to take in a cultural event. Possibly even Indianapolis is watch NFL football. The educational system in the Jefferson County Public Schools are truly frightening when only about 54 percent of 12th graders can read and write at a 12th grade level of proficiency. I was reading at a 12th grade level in my rural Indiana school district when I was in 7th and 8th grade. That doesn't say much for the Louisville educational system which is horrendous. Another reason why even some so called professionals and even those in writing and news gathering have problems understanding basic concepts and even basic English grammar and spelling. The entire Possibility City mantra that the Greater Louisville Inc and the city promoted from 2006 or so until present is highly laughable. Louisville should be referred correctly as Possum Billy City due to the mentality of the local population. Wages and incomes are about 30 percent below other neighboring metro areas for similar jobs. The lower cost of living is often stated but I've found that to be pure nonsense here in Central Indiana which has a similar cost of living to Louisville but generally wages are 25 percent higher here than Louisville. Same goes for the economically depressed Commonwealth of Kentucky outside of Louisville which has its own issues. Which is why Louisville ends up being the end all be all of Kentucky society where people escape their small towns yet remain provincial and not very astute when it comes to the outside world compared to the Kentucky plantation mentality. I lived in Louisville for five years and I saw the most mind numbing and mind blowing stupidity on a daily basis not only the streets and roadways of Louisville with the poorly maintained streets and infrastructure but the horrid drivers. Its as if Kentucky gave out drivers licenses out of a cracker jack box. Wrecks everywhere, people not understanding rules of the road, when it rained it became extra dangerous and little common sense. Not to mention all of the dinged up and beaten down cars in Louisville because the average Louisville resident can't drive to save their lives. Even if you threw a cup of ice on a Louisville roadway someone would end up having a wreck. The quality of craftmanship in Louisville is highly suspect as well as the quality of work. Expect to pay through the nose when it comes to technical, professional and tradesman work including A/C, Plumbing, Restoration and Construction. All the while done at a terrible level of quality. It reminds me of an apartment I lived in the city where the local yokels decided that the drain for the sink wasn't to be put at an incline to drain away the water and soap from doing dishes. So instead it would get clogged up and finally you had to fix it yourself. Same goes for quality of work in manufacturing facilities and basic common sense that would get you fired anywhere else if you couldn't do something to satisfaction. Anywhere else, such substandard work would mean you were hitting the bricks in search of a new job or ending up shoveling ditches or cow manure. Another hilarious thing was visiting retail stores in Louisville and the best thing was the idiocy of the employees that had to fix a bathroom stall. Instead of putting the fixture for the lock facing where the door was to be shut and locked, the local idiot put it on totally backward so they door couldn't be shut and locked. That's the type of mentality that people have in much of Kentucky. Give them a wrench and many of them would look at you and try to tell you its a hammer. It reminds me of when I worked in manufacturing production to have idiots try to beat a frozen bolt due to some moron gluing it using JB Weld and then to loosen it from a machine by beating on it when one could grab a pair of vise grips and turn the head to remove the bolt. That's in a nutshell the Kentucky mentality that many of the good old boys have. They simply aren't much on thinking for a living or thinking with a way to improve their lot even in sectors like the trades and manufacturing which is essential to the well being of any nation. Instead, you'll see things in Kentucky like building a factory a place that regularly floods and they have a better building across the city but refuse to use it and instead use the place that floods. After which they will have the employees take squeegees out to push the water out of the facility only to flood as it keeps raining. That's the Kentucky mentality in a nutshell. Same type of mentality goes with vehicle maintenance and repairs and people not having enough common sense to understand how to repair vehicles with basic equipment including wrenches, sockets, electric tools and much else. It's actually quite pathetic to watch these people work on things. One winter we had a local woman who had no idea why her car wouldn't start. Well she left the radio on and the ignition turned on. So when I had to help her and a 60 something year old that was helping her they had no idea how to jump start the car even with a pair of jumper cables and a truck to jump start the car. No idea where the positive and negative terminals were in the vehicle since the battery was not available to be jumped directly due to it being near the wheel well. After pulling out a flashlight and looking for a minute, it was readily apparent to where the positive and negative terminals were on the car. I would expect such out of a 16 year old boy or 18 year old girl not out of people in their 30 year old range and someone 60 plus. This type of ignorance is a cultural thing in the Louisville region. Ignorance of other cultures, nations, society, social events, news, etc. Just totally ignorant about so many things. Louisville could be a really great city with proper management, education and giving the natives some common sense and culture. However, its the Louisville mentality to just do enough to get by to do a half rear end job and act as if mediocrity and laziness should be rewarded. Anyway, I really liked your commentary but its quite late so I'll save any further comments for a future posting. Stay away from Louisville because it seems as if common sense and basic mental processes are frowned up because people might have to think instead of acting as fools.
William | Indianapolis, IN | Report Abuse

You wrote so much I'm to tired to read it all but I mistakenly moved here to Louisville, KY 2 years ago and I've hated it almost the entire time. It looks so similar to the town I live in for over 30 years in IL. I thought the downtown would be big and exciting, well, I thought wrong. The downtown does have many historical, pretty buildings but the way it was built (structured) is uninteresting. Most persons smoke and have cars. The downtown area seems so small and unexciting with only like 5-6 big buildings considering the huge area of Louisville with it's huge population of people. Just wasn't worth our while to have made the difficult, stressful relocation here. I so wish I'd not moved here. If I had enough money to leave here right this minute I would do it (we would). Now there are some good points to Louisville, KY but I still greatly desire to leave.
Lisa | Lexington, KY | Report Abuse
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