Review of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Star Rating - 8/23/2010
After 22 years of living in various parts of Milwaukee, last but not least, the ever-expensive village of Shorewood, I felt I had no other reasonable financial choice but to leave and move south. The downtown is gorgeous and happening; the city is situated idyllically on the gorgeous lake, BUT, this all comes at a huge price tag, in my opinion. Expect to easily be charged $1100 per month to live in a 2 bedroom run-down dump, not including heating costs. Should you be fortunate enough, or shall I say, ignorant enough, to pay $2,000 per month and up, you will then be one of the few privileged to live in a decent home. And no good and honest review would leave out the road and street conditions, and let me say from many years of personal experience and a very large dent in my bank account, not to mention my vehicle; BEWARE, and stash away loads of cash to shell out each year for the wear and tear that the Beirut-like street conditions will do to your vehicle, should you not be lucky enough to be married to a mechanic. You won't believe it until you drive it. And for that matter, if you're a bicyclist as I am, these degraded street conditions apply to that mode of transportation as well. Even walking, my foot has been caught in a pothole, sometimes twisting my ankle. I swear, no matter what mode of transportation I enlisted, I consumed more time concerned with looking down at the ground than looking upon the view ahead. You really must wonder why an area with CRIPPLING property taxes have streets that will literally eat your mode of transport alive. What is the money being used for? On another depressing note, be prepared to have to drive through the start, or end, however you want to look at it, ghetto in order to access the expressway; such joys, or should I say horrors. I cannot tell you how many lawbreaking ghetto inhabitants almost smashed my car to bits as I was simply just trying to drive down the street to the expressway. IF you've got a lot of money, and I mean a lot, and you don't mind paying excessive amounts of rent, mortgage, and/or property taxes, and a combination thereof, because let's face the truth, even we renters are paying the property owner's taxes, then you'll probably live a great life there, because it really is a gorgeous place. I miss it there, maybe always will, because it was my home, but at the end of the day and at age 41, I had to face the reality that I could have SO much more when it came to housing and clean roads if I just moved south. I have voted for the Democratic Party my entire life, and intend to always (or a third party), but I must admit, after a century with Milwaukee being dominated by Democrats, I really am angry and disillusioned at the rather egotistical attitude of this decaying city forcing its residents no choice but to be charged luxury prices for substandard housing. I feel the place took far more from me than it gave back. And on a final note, if you're a woman in your 30's and interested in finding a significant other, whatever you do, steer clear of Milwaukee. It's a town built on the transient college crowd; they come then leave; good luck finding intelligent and good looking marriage material. I am an attractive, intellectual female, and take it from me, don't waste your time with blinders on as I did; settle elsewhere.
Bry | Milwaukee, WI
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2 Replies

Your opinions are probably valid to you, certainly, but they are not exclusive to Milwaukee. I know women from Cincinnati to D.C. who say the exact same things about the lack of decent men. At least Milwaukee has been voted a "manliest" city and is not renowned for the extent of its gay population! :P
Ellen | Alexandria, VA | Report Abuse

You are starting to finally learn what happens when democrats are in charge for a long time. It destroyed Detroit too. They just keep raising taxes to pay for all the entitlements to get the minorities and poor to vote for them. Republicans lower taxes, provide incentives and stimulate growth and taxes. So why do you always intend to vote democrat? Stupid people.
Phil | Minneapolis, MN | Report Abuse
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