Review of Nassau Bay tx Not Fo, North Dakota

Needs Lots of Work
Star Rating - 6/7/2012
I have lived in this town for about 8 years. I have met many beautiful people which I am forever grateful...however, it is way too polluted and most are not open to fighting for clean air and water or being healthy in general. THe air quality is so bad, because the chemical plants all around the area are burning illegally at night, so if you are will not be able to escape the stench and your lungs will eventually suffer. I have lived in this area for a total of 10 years, and in my house in Nassau Bay for 6.5 years. The neighborhood is not open to any sort of eco friendly landscaping or architecture. It is oppressive and you will get picked on by the police for the silliest reasons. No matter how cute and sweet or old you are....Bullies they are, because they have nothing better to do than patrol a 1 mile area with about 15 cops. It is intense.
Do not move here if you are an artist or any other creative person. This place will suck your soul. And you will have breathing earth all the chemical plants. I could go on and on.
Rivette | Houston, TX
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