Review of Orlando, Florida

Orlando is a bad place with bad people
Star Rating - 3/5/2017

First off, the only way to know what orlando is really like is to live there. If you visit it seems like a great place. Once you move there then the truth really gets you. The city itself is alright- it's the people and the culture and attitude of these idiots there that makes it such a crappy place. Unfriendly rude angry bitter jerks live there. it's full of mostly 'losers' or ghetto thug type angry males and people. People with ugly souls and no conscience losers rejects live in orlando. Inferior people live in orlando. These people have no talent ambition, they are average plain weird inferior and pathetic human beings but these weird average inferior idiots think they are better than everyone else and are so arrogant rude. It's worse than any kind of LA you can imagine- it is really the worst city out there. Imagine inferior lesser educated dumber, less competent, rude, arrogant, ugly untalented jerks thinking they are better than you- that sums up the scumbags of orlando. The people of orlando have no personality, and not much going for them as well. The people there are angry, bitter, rude etc. The families there are horrible as well. The neighborhood I lived in- had just awful people living there. Even one lady whose husband came to do 'handywork' or cut grass, wouldn't even say a word to me when I asked him a question, and his wife was nothing but evil nasty rude to me. Once she started to say something to me but quickly changed it to something really negative- why- because im positive and nice. These two ugly white trash losers have a daughter themselves but treat other people's daughters so badly? These are the kinds of scummy crap you find in orlando- these soccer moms but they're not your average soccer moms- they are mean rotten rude hideous people.
The women there with their kids and husbands- just rude nasty arrogant people everywhere- these soulless white people too. There is also the low class ghetto angry mean puerto rican jerks. But they get along well with the fake weird soulless white trash people. If you're not like these hideous weird creepy people there- they will outcast or mistreat you--you have to be some inferior weird loser degenerate, or scum like them for them to treat you well. If the idiots of orlando are not treating you well it's a good thing- you're not like them.

It's all about cliques in orlando too- these clickish closed minded dumb lesser educated weird people. It's almost a cult like city. It's kind of like stepford wives on crack- I can't describe how fake it is and the people- but they aren't the kind of people that are nice to you but talk behind your back- they're the kind of jungle creatures that just treat you like crap and act like crazy animals or jerks.
The entire city is full of these bizarre kind of culture, people, lifestyle, attitude. It almost feels like a parallel universe or some other planet. It's not even fake, it's a faker version of fake and even worse. You have to dig deep to find the 'nice' normal people and even then- they don't really exist in orlando. I'm not sure if anything real exists in that city. It seems every church you go to or group seems to be some kind of cult in hiding or that mentality. Leaders of the groups are narcissists and jerks. There are no real role models or decent people in the city.

The doctors- incompetent jerks and losers- the entire city is full of the worst doctors you can imagine. Ive been to 3 gynecologists who misdiagnosed me, were rude to me or not appropriate with me. The entire city is full of idiots and incompetent people, or sociopathic types and narcissists. The people who say it's so great, seem to be part of the fake robotic mentality there- and they probably aren't mistreated b/c if you have a soul a personality or something going for you, all the weird robotic idiots of orlando don't treat you well. The whole city is weird and crazy- kind of like stepford wives or the truman show or something strange. Every city has a 'breed' of people and that breed in orlando is a disgusting mess of the most average ugly fake white trash crap you can imagine with a lot of dysfunction inside. The breed in orlando is really awful- that's why so many people move to orlando and live there in surprise at what the fake rude people are like. Even if you go to jacksonville- HUGE difference- jacksonville has REAL people and nice people- personable friendly people. Orlando is just full of trash garbage and scum.
melissa | Orlando, FL
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5 Replies

lol to pam. No it is NOT your attitude by which you have one. Typical Orlando jerk. The people with the attitudes are the rude Orlando psychopaths and creeps not the people complaining about them. I'm a super nice person and in other cities I make friends easily bc in other cities they like people who are nice kind and good people. Orlando is a clickish hell full of losers and if you have something going for you or even not they don't treat you well. These complaints are about the rude horrible jerks in Orlando. The people having these issues def do not have attitudes it's the scumbags mistreating them. Good for you you can make friends in Orlando it means you must be an average loser a jerk or a scumbag like the freaks and jerks in that city.
Jenn | University, FL | Report Abuse

lol to pam. No it is NOT your attitude by which you have one. Typical Orlando jerk. The people with the attitudes are the rude Orlando psychopaths and creeps not the people complaining about them. I'm a super nice person and in other cities I make friends easily bc in other cities they like people who are nice kind and good people. Orlando is a clickish hell full of losers and if you have something going for you or even not they don't treat you well. These complaints are about the rude horrible jerks in Orlando. The people having these issues def do not have attitudes it's the scumbags mistreating them. Good for you you can make friends in Orlando it means you must be an average loser a jerk or a scumbag like the freaks and jerks in that city. The people complaining about Orlando can easily make friends anywhere else. Why is that?? Why do so many people agree Orlando is one of the rudest cities with the worst people- because it is. Because it's full of pretentious idiots and jerks like you
Jenn | University, FL | Report Abuse

90% is your attitude. It takes a friend to be a friend. I moved here and I knew no one in 1992. My friends I first met are still my friends. Two are attorneys! One pass the bar the first time she took it and was offered several jobs, The other was a jag in the navy first. Two of my girlfriends were Captains in the Navy, try that as a woman! I have met a diverse group of people that are very intelligent. I don't know where you lived, but I have lived in 4 different areas. First near the airport bc I didn't know the area. It was a new expensive apartment. Nothing but professionals. I met them and organized volley ball and happy hours or just cover dishes at the club house. We worked out together and went to the beach, that is where I found where the locals go. Then on to a golf course community, where we had parties and get together, we took our golf cart with a beer keg for those that drank beer and would have 4 houses host a dinner and move to the next house. All the neighbors next to the host house brought food and you took it to the next house. Then I move downtown. Nothing better than walking around lake Eola. The grocery store Public next door. The library down the street a block. The Cobb theater 2 blocks away. Churches everywhere with in walking distance. Every Resturant imaginable with in walking distance. Free buses to take you all around town. Once your home you don't need a car. Farmers market every Sunday. Taste of Thornton Park Oct. wine fest down town and at lake eola. Great neighbors that text pool and we all go to the pool or The Abby for 80's night. Or the history center puts on retro game nights. You name it every night something is going on downtown. Now I'm in Dr Philips area lots of restaurants on Sandlake. The Mall is close. All the shopping is close. 3 L A fitness in very close miles. maybe bc the houses are bigger and the people are much older we don't socialize with as many just wave, but it is all good. No crazy people. Very intelligent people. I'm sorry you feel to judge everyone in Orlando as Stupid. It only reflects that maybe you are not nice and you aren't friendly. And to judge people as stupid? Really? You are just deflecting.
Pam | Orlando, FL | Report Abuse

Hello. Your review is spot on 100%. City is cool but nasty people ruin it. Read my review too lol
Leo | San Antonio, TX | Report Abuse

I’ve agree on this . I’ve lived in Orlando since 1983 and it’s been the same. I’ve lived in south Fl and in northern Fl and it’s a different world. Unfortunately Whole Foods was a giant hub with people like this mentioned.
Joseph | Winter Park, FL | Report Abuse
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