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Review of Salem, Oregon

Don't like Salem? Consider
Star Rating - 3/18/2015
I agree with the point that Salem is not for everyone but it could be worse. Not just worse, a lot worse.

I've lived in Arizona all my life. That said, let me tell you some things that I've noticed visiting Salem several times. The last few times I visited the grocery store there I was asked if I would like assistance out with my groceries. The last time someone in Arizona asked me that was twenty years ago. Everyone stops for you in parking lots to let you cross. Do that in Arizona or California, you're as good as dead. Crime is somewhat high in Salem. However, not anywhere near most cities across the nation. Also, everyone tries to talk to you. In my home state everyone is not friendly like in Salem or Oregon.

The things that I like most about in Salem or Oregon, I guess requires some attention and maturity. Let me explain. Theres tons to do there like hiking, fishing, festivals, events, breweries, wine tasting, boating, beaches the list goes on. I can only assume that when people say there is nothing to do there they mean things like nightclubs, warmer sun bathing beaches, large amusement parks and maybe more sun. Heres my point finally. Most of the cities that have these things have no passion. It's about money, bragging rights and/or living basically a superficial lifestyle. More people in Salem and Oregon have hobbies and passions like photography, fishing, college athletics, crabbing, boating end even kite flying. I'm not saying that people in other states don't do these things. Nor am I saying that they don't have passion. They do. Just not to the extent that Oregon does. Like I said its more about bragging rights, titles and money. Not fun. The nightclub/bar thing? That gets old and in the overall scheme of things, it's an empty lifestyle. Also, it you want to go to an amusement park occasionally, then make the trip. If you lived next to one and went there a lot, that gets old too.

As far as the rain? I get that. Not everyone likes a lot of it.

I traveled a lot in my younger days while in the service. Many, many places do not have the spirit that i've seen in Oregon. Theres a lot of places in the US where people just have a zombie stare and live a superficial life. Salem and Oregon to me is about passion, living and enjoying the simple things in life.
Robert | Glendale, AZ
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3 Replies

I am looking at moving to a place with a beach like North Carolina or oregon I have 3 congestive heart failures and I want to look into a warm weather place where the atmosphere is filled with places with out a bar but a place to go hiking, camping near a beach.
Erik | Salt Lake City, UT | Report Abuse

There is no creativity in Salem. You go to Phoenix or California and there is diversity, events that are different, people who want to create new things. Salem has none of that and is all about fast food and not much else.
Jared | Salem, OR | Report Abuse

Of course someone from Glendale thinks everywhere in AZ is like that. Arizonans know that that’s the last place someone would want to live aside from like Buckeye or Guadalupe. Even Apache Junction is better because at least you have amazing views of the Superstitions along with the tweakers. And if you think Oregonians are so nice when they stop for everyone, try being behind or, worse, in the adjacent lane to someone who literally stops in the middle of a four-lane road to let a Criddler cross at some random point along the road.
Arizona | Portland, OR | Report Abuse