Review of Shinnston, West Virginia

My opinion of Shinnston, West Virginia
Star Rating - 11/3/2006
In November 2004 My husband, son and,self sold our beautiful home in southwest florida, to escape the hurricanes, moved to Shinnston, west virginia. We purchased a home and were fortunate to be able to pay cash for it. We had hoped to purchase a home, start a small business, so my husband would be able to retire in six years. It was a big mistake. The brochures about Shinnston are very misleading. People were not friendly, a few were but not many. It was very clear that outsiders were not very welcome here. What a culture shock too! It was common to see people urinating publicly right in town. I wanted to meet people so I placed some items to sell in at the time what was a newly opened consignment shop. Some of my items sold, but I never recieved my percentage of the money. I got most of my unsold items back with the promise of getting a check soon. I am still waiting. I went into a local jewelry store to buy a watch. It was ordered I was to be called when it came in. I'm still waiting for that call years later. Thank goodness I didn't prepay. A neighbor who came over a lot last winter and had coffee with us every day did not like some of my opinions that I gave here in my own home , but he continued to get to know us, using the pretense of friendship to find out what ways he could use to hurt us when he was ready, and he did, through my pets. Police could do nothing, I couldn't prove it. A neighbors teenage daughter was selling magazines in september for a school project, so I ordered one, paid cash, got change and never got the magazine. After several excuses I called the school and spoke to the person in charge of the project, the student had never ordered any magazines, my cash was gone. I saw an accident happen in the parking lot near my home, it was a neighbors vehicleinvolved, so I told him, he confronted the person, they denied it. That night in the wee hours my taillights on my car were smashed out. I could go on, there have been many more incidents. We am very sorry we moved here. If we hadn't purchased a home we would already be gone. The air is polluted from the lumberport energy place, the water is so full of chemicals I can't bring myself to drink it. There is trash all over the roadsides. And some of the homes yards are so unkenpt they would fit right into a jeff Foxworthy redneck joke. Work is scarce and the pay is insulting, to say the least. Businesses open whenever they feel like it, or not. Most of the downtown shops the brochures tal
Shieley | Shinnston, WV
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