United States / Missouri / St. Louis Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of St. Louis, Missouri

Rebuttal of Another Review
Star Rating - 12/21/2007
I ran across this website the other day with loads of information to compare the cost of living, economics, schools, crime, etc. of all kinds of cities around the US. I thought it was an interesting site. It's www.bestplaces.net

While looking at the information about St. Louis, I noticed the list of reviews for the city. Of course, they were mixed with some people liking it and others hating it. I would expect that for any city. I found one review very interesting. It was written by a lady with a screen name Lady Bug.

There are so many things I'd like to say about this review. The first thing is, that this lady lives in Wentzville. Yes, WENTSVILLE and is giving her opinion on St. Louis. So, here is my rebuttal to the uniformed suburban view of this city:

"one of the ugliest cities in America" - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This city is a wealth of architecture and old housing stock. Someone from the Northwest surely can't appreciate the longevity and beauty of the craftsmanship here. When you are used to more modern styles, you may not enjoy this as much, so I can understand the viewpoint. Though, living way out where they do, most of what you see is crappy, cheaply built stuff.

"crime is rampant"- Really? How do you know? All you know is what you see on TV and read in the paper. Crime is NOT rampant in the city, despite what the media wants you to believe.

"highways.... traffic... commute... strip malls" - Yes, all those things are horrible. You know why? You live in WENTSVILLE! I've only been on an interstate 1 time in the last month. I rarely have trouble with traffic and my commute is only 15 minutes by bus and passes by tons of unique stores.

"There are no scenic safe biking paths, no hiking trails, and there is no pretty and vibrant downtown - just malls"- Have you seen the biking and walking trails in Forest Park? Have you seen the local business districts in the city? Washington Avenue, South Grand, Macklind Avenue, Cherokee??? I don't remember being in a mall in the last year to be perfectly honest (well, except during my vacation to Orlando, and that was just to play mini-golf at the glow-in-the-dark place).

"The parks are nothing special. What's so awesome about the St. Louis Zoo?" - Okay, I believe Forest Park is one of the Largest Urban Parks in the US (about 50% larger than Central Park in New York)! Nothing special? What's with the Zoo you ask. Try finding a zoo of this quality anywhere in the country. You'll pay and arm and a leg to get in. We are the ONLY zoo in the US with a dedicated nutrition center and we are one of the leading zoo's in the world when it comes to animal care and breeding programs. Oh, and let's not forget our Botanical Garden either.

Oh, and just so you know I'm not biased from always living here, I did grow up in Missouri, but over near Kansas City. I have lived in Chicago, Savannah and the Washington, DC areas in my life. The things I love about those cities are some of the same things I love about St. Louis. People, old buildings, neighborhoods and history. St. Louis (the city) has all that and more.

It seems to me, when the media is concerned especially, every bad thing about this are is always associated with the City. It doesn't matter if they are really talking about strip malls, crime, poor highways that may bee way out in St. Charles county, they will complain about "St. Louis" making people think the City is some horrible place. But have something great happen out in Wentzville and you better believe they are going to say it was in Wentzville, not St. Louis.

Curtis | St. Louis, MO
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4 Replies

As a resident of St Louis, native of Florida and varied traveler, I can attest to the fact that St. Louis (city, county and st charles) are slow. Massive land space but not a city. Crime is high. There are 91 municipalities, of which some are only 91 homes wide (i.e. Belrive, Bel-Nor) which is ridiculous b/c there is constant fighting for control and the citizens pay through taxation and tickets. That is how these municipalities make their money. Many of the municipalities don't have a holding cell much less a court. Some are established in homes while others are in the rear of restaurants. There is a cultural divide. If you reside in the CWE (Central West End) then you have a mix of young professionals. Outside of that blacks remain in north county and the city, whites primarily in West County and St Charles, O'Fallon or out toward Chesterfield and Lake St Louis. If you are black, be care in Festus and those areas. Remember, St Louis is called the Southern North. And you will realize it. Rascism is rampant. They (St Louisian's) have this "tradition" of asking you where you attended school (high school they mean). From your response, they determine your social status and economic background. It's small-town thinking. There are numerous "free" venues at the parks, muny, etc. However, once that is complete, St Louis really doesn't have much left to offer a professional. It is a family-oriented town so if you are single, you will dread living here. It's very click-ish and hard to penetrate groups. In 4 years, all of my friends are not from St Louis and it is communicated that they experienced the same. I was relocated here for a job. I am now transitioning out of the Midwest. There aren't seasonal changes. You have hot and cold, snow, ice. Prices for food are high and property taxes and personal property taxes are high. This town paralles with the concept of "nickle and dimeing" It definitely isn't a place for everyone. If you are thinking about relocating to St Louis or its surrounding areas, visit it first to get a real feel. Just know that visiting an area isn't the same as living in an area. I would visit St Louis anyday. To live here again, I would not.
Abhd | St. Charles, MO | Report Abuse

Dude, crime in St. Louis IS rampant and I can prove it. Go to the FBI's website, click on Crime Statistics, and click on 2006. Look at the national data. You will find the overall violent crime rate in the United States is 473.5 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. Then, look up St. Louis. If you do the math using statistics on that page, you will find that St. Louis has over 2,400 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. That's about five times the overall national rate!!! If you still think that crime in St. Louis is low, take a walk on the streets at midnight...especially in downtown and the north side...and you'll think otherwise. Heck, you might not even live to tell us your story...it's really THAT dangerous!
Clint | Barry, IL | Report Abuse

Here's to Curtis: Excellent rebuttal to "Lady Bug's" ignorant put-down of a city she doesn't even know. In fact, she might as well be writing her hate-essay from Miami or somewhere similarly distant and incomparable. She doesn't get ANYTHING concerning what makes STL unique and to many of us, beautiful and a place to proudly call "home." So listen up, suburbanite bug: I've lived in DC and its 'burbs; in central NJ; in NYC and way Upstate; in Chicago; in Madison, WI; in Boston, and the list goes on and on. See, because docs with specialized training take forever (not due to any fault on their part) to complete their training, I had the exhausting pleasure of spending significant stretches of time in the above cities, on top of being born in the NE and living there many years. You are so off that you are about to fall off the flat planet: Yes, I would not be surprised if your ignorance includes adhering to the Flat World "hypothesis." Good for you, Curtis. I was getting worried when so few stood up for this unjustly maligned Midwestern jewel that is in the process of urban and suburban renewal.
Dr. Nick | St. Louis, MO | Report Abuse

The only good thing to every come out of Wentzville was Chuck Berry, and that was a l-o-n-g time ago. So, yeah, it's got to be boring in that 'burb. Absurd to generalize from life out there to life in the REAL Lou. Unfortunately, some people are irrational.
Dr. Nick | St. Louis, MO | Report Abuse

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