United States / Arizona / Tucson Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Tucson, Arizona

Cultural Shock/Poverty & Political Apathy
Star Rating - 3/8/2014
Moved here solely cause rent's practically free. A native Silicon Valley CA resident - rent's your 1st born. Tucson was & is cultural shock personified. For me, it was like moving to another country & an impoverished one at that. The healthcare cracks me up. If you like potholes/kamikaze drivers/smoking/legal fireworks & a solid 3 mos of 100+ summers - Tucson will be the promised land! Moving home when my lease's up...
CAsurfergirl | Catalina Foothills, AZ
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4 Replies

Typical response from a California person. I have lived in tucson all my life and yes the roads are bad you chose to move here. Sure go back to California bye we didn't did need you.
michael | Tucson, AZ | Report Abuse

Oh let me add that there are many parts of tucson that are beautiful. Tucson has its Crome just like any other city. Now I can't expect someone from silicon valley CA to understand the many diverse cultures that are in and around tucson. Maybe before you moved here you should of used your brains and researched and maybe even check the city out.sorry to say I have been to California and I have always dealt with rude ignorant self righteous people who always thought they were better than the world.San Diego is the only city that made us feel welcome. Any other city nope. It raked with ignorant rude people like your self
michael | Tucson, AZ | Report Abuse

Typical response from a California person. I have lived in tucson all my life and yes the roads are bad you chose to move here. Sure go back to California bye we didn't did need you.
michael | Tucson, AZ | Report Abuse
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