Review of Amarillo, Texas

Not a good place
Star Rating - 12/6/2019
I moved to Amarillo when I was five and left at 34, the best thing I ever did. Sadly, I came back to help care for my aging grandmother, and as soon as I can, i am leaving this place for good. I refer to this place as the black hole of TX. There is nothing positive about Amarillo. There is absolutely nothing to do; it smells, it is dirty, it is so dry that it is unhealthy for your respiratory system, the people are rude you might get lucky and met a few genuinely nice people who are not fake. It is hard to make friends in this town unless you go to pubs or drink. The culture of this place is pretentious and think if you are not in the
Angie | Amarillo, TX
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- 4/5/2020
Quite possibly worse than Hell itself
I was originally from here, left for a number of years, and ended up back for a short time...
Ace | Amarillo, TX | 8 Replies

- 2/5/2019
Amarillo Texas, Sucks.
Amarillo is not a good place to live. For me it was like living in Hell. I lived there fo...
melinda | Amarillo, TX | 5 Replies

- 12/10/2018
From Nashville
People are great. some awesome pubs and eat spots. i really like the people here but there...
Matthew | Burns, TN | No Replies

- 3/3/2018
Simple and enjoyable living
Good place to set down roots and live an affordable life style. Disagree with Stacy about ...
Jeff | Dallas, TX | 1 Reply

- 11/19/2014
Great size town, but very hot in summer. Must belong to a church to develop friends....
janet | Amarillo, TX | No Replies

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