Excellent place to rais a family

I have lived here over 10 years. I'm not sure what some of the reviewers are talking about, as it pertains to "nothing to do for kids" here. We have a fantastic Parks and Recs program, Lacrosse, Baseball, and every sport imaginable to enroll children in- if you choose to be involved in your children’s activities and take them. Miles of cycling lanes bring people from all over the area to ride. We also have endless miles of off-road biking, hiking and horse trails. We have movie theaters, roller rinks and shopping malls. We have it all! The weather if fantastic, the city clean and maxed build out here means we still have amazing amounts of open space and wilderness around us. Stray cats are none existent, so don't let your animals out of your backyard- coyotes, bobcats, and other predators are around. Crime is very low and yes housing is expensive, but it's expensive throughout California, so that is relative to where you are accustomed to living. Traffic is very little in comparison to other areas in California. Most people would call it very light. But it is a commuter town for most workers, so if you do leave the area, you will run into freeway traffic. This is definitely a nice place to raise a family.
Kim | Thousand Oaks, CA