Zip 28308 (Spring Lake, NC) Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Spring Lake

Zip code 28308 is located in Spring Lake, North Carolina, a small town with a population of just over 13,000 people. It is a rural area that offers a peaceful and quiet atmosphere, but also has easy access to larger cities like Fayetteville and Raleigh. This zip code is home to Fort Bragg, a major military installation, and has a strong military presence. With this information in mind, let's take a look at what some users have to say about living in this particular place.

According to reviews on, many users have positive things to say about living in zip code 28308. One user, named Maria, praises the area's affordability, saying "It's a very affordable place to live, especially for military families on a budget." Another user, named John, highlights the convenience of living near a military base, saying "It's great having access to the amenities on base without actually living on base." However, some users express concerns about the town's safety, with one reviewer named Samantha saying "The crime rate is high here and it does make me worry for my family's safety." Another user, named David, mentions the lack of diversity in the area, stating "It's a small town with not a lot of diversity, so sometimes it can feel a bit closed-minded." Overall, it seems that the affordability and convenience of living near a military base are major draws for those who live in zip code 28308, but there are also some concerns about safety and diversity.

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