Zip 28308 (Spring Lake, NC) Rankings

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The Rankings of 28308 Spring Lake, NC from BestPlaces is an important metric for considering the quality of life and general satisfaction of a given area. The overall rank for 28308 is #44 out of 500 other cities in North Carolina, indicating that this area stands among the top 10 percent of places to live in the state. The categories that were considered when calculating these rankings include crime rate, cost of living, education level, housing market health and weather. Spring Lake has a low crime rate of 2 out of 100 with a desirable cost of living index at 92.5 out of 100 compared to the national average. Additionally, it has an A- rating for housing market health which indicates a strong market for buying and selling homes. Furthermore, Spring Lake enjoys a mild climate year round with average temperatures ranging from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 87 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year. These factors combined make 28308 Spring Lake, NC an attractive place to live.

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