Zip 19367 (Pomeroy, PA) Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Pomeroy

Pomeroy, Pennsylvania, with a population of 11,500, is a small town located in Chester County. It has been praised for its affordable housing, low crime rates, and friendly community. However, like any place, there are also some negative aspects to living in Pomeroy. As such, many people have shared their experiences and opinions about living in this particular place on the website These user reviews provide valuable insight into what it's like to reside in Pomeroy and can help others make informed decisions about moving to this area.

According to user "Maggie," Pomeroy is "a quiet, secluded, and family-friendly town." She goes on to say, "The cost of living here is very reasonable, and there are plenty of job opportunities nearby. The community is welcoming and always there to lend a helping hand." Similarly, user "Mark" describes Pomeroy as "a safe and peaceful town with good schools." He adds, "It's a great place to raise a family and enjoy a slower pace of life." These reviews highlight the affordable cost of living and the welcoming and safe atmosphere in Pomeroy.

On the other hand, user "John" has a different perspective. He mentions that Pomeroy "lacks diversity and can be quite boring at times." He also points out, "There aren't many local events or entertainment options." This user's comments shed light on the potential lack of diversity and limited entertainment opportunities in Pomeroy, which could be a drawback for some individuals.

User "Natalie" shares a positive and negative experience living in Pomeroy. She states, "I love the small-town feel and friendly neighbors here. However, the commute to bigger cities for work can be long and tiring." This review highlights the trade-off of living in a small town, where the community aspect is strong, but job opportunities may be limited.

In summary, reviews from users on provide a mixed perspective on living in Pomeroy, Pennsylvania. Many appreciate the affordable cost of living, safe community, and family-friendly atmosphere. However, some mention the potential lack of diversity and limited entertainment options, and others mention a long commute to bigger cities. Overall, these user reviews offer a valuable insight into the pros and cons of living in Pomeroy, enabling individuals to make an informed decision about whether it is the right place for them.

 based on 0 Reviews
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