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Zip 19367 (Pomeroy, PA) People


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In 19367 Pomeroy, Pennsylvania, the population is 15 with a population density of 89 people per square mile. The area has a rich history with plenty of small businesses, outdoor activities, organizations and sporting events for residents to take part in. Local businesses include Pomeroy Market Place, who offer variety of products from natural groceries to antiques and collectibles. For those looking for year-round outdoor activities, the area offers plenty of options such as Pomeroy Rail Trail where visitors can hike or bike along the old railroad tracks. Other organizations include the Pomeroy Fire Company which provides vital fire protection services for the community and is run by volunteers. On Saturday afternoons during the warmer months at Valley View High School Stadium you can enjoy local football games featuring teams from throughout the region. All in all, 19367 Pomeroy offers many options for its residents to explore and enjoy.

   Estimated Total Population by Age

  PeoplePomeroy, PennsylvaniaUnited States
Population - 1990 251960433