2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Aledo, TX vs Ruston, LA

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Are people in Ruston older or younger than people in Aledo?
- The Median Age in Ruston is 12.0 years younger than in Aledo.

Are housing costs cheaper in Ruston or Aledo?
- Ruston housing costs are 57.1% less expensive than Aledo housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Ruston or Aledo?
- The average commute for residents of Ruston is 14.0 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Aledo.

Things to do in Aledo?
Living in Aledo, TX is a great experience. The small town of Aledo is located just 20 miles west of Fort Worth and offers its residents a unique blend of modern amenities and rural charm. It is a quiet town surrounded by beautiful natural scenery including lakes, creeks, rolling hills and wooded areas. There are several parks nearby where families can enjoy picnics, hikes and other outdoor activities. Residents also appreciate the excellent school system and close-knit community atmosphere which provides numerous opportunities for socializing with neighbors. Although there are no large shopping centers or entertainment venues located directly in Aledo, the town is within easy driving distance to all that Fort Worth has to offer. All in all, living in Aledo provides a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle perfect for raising a family or simply enjoying life away from the hustle and bustle of the larger cities.

Things to do in Ruston?
Ruston, LA Ruston is a city located in Lincoln Parish in Northwest Louisiana. Home to Louisiana Tech University, Ruston offers an array of cultural attractions from museums and art galleries to historical sites dating back to before the Civil War era. Ruston's charming downtown area provides plenty of options for dining and entertainment while its outdoor activities include golf courses, walking trails and more than 16 parks that are perfect for outdoor recreation or simply appreciating nature at its best.

 Aledo, TXRuston, LAUnited States
 Median Income$112,975$34,554$69,021
 Median Age36.124.138.4
 Avg. Home Price$455,300$195,100$338,100
 Unemployment Rate5.7%4.7%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time28.1514.226.38
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Reviews for Ruston    2 Reviews

Over 4 years ago

Back stabbing little town you want get anywhere with out knowing people or have  More

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Very difficult to find a job here if you’re not hired by the university. When my husband got a job with the university, I didn’t think it would be so difficult for me  More

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