2025 Compare Cities Commuting:
Bellingham, MA vs Beverly, MA

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- The average commute for residents of Beverly is 5.7% shorter than it is for residents of Bellingham.
- 20.5% more residents of Beverly work from home compared to residents of Bellingham.
 Bellingham, MABeverly, MAUnited States
 Commute Time363127
 Commute Mode
 Bellingham, MABeverly, MAUnited States
 Auto (alone)77.4%65.8%73.2%
 Mass Transit1.9%7.5%4.2%
 Work at Home11.1%13.4%9.7%
 Commute Time To Work
 Bellingham, MABeverly, MAUnited States
 Commute Less Than 5 min.0.8%3.7%2.9%
 Commute 6 to 9 min.7.0%11.6%9.5%
 Commute 10 to 14 min.9.6%16.7%13.2%
 Commute 15 to 19 min.6.6%12.7%15.2%
 Commute 20 to 24 min.11.0%8.9%14.3%
 Commute 25 to 29 min.4.6%3.8%6.7%
 Commute 30 to 34 min.14.9%9.7%13.7%
 Commute 35 to 39 min.4.2%2.3%3.1%
 Commute 40 to 44 min.6.2%4.5%4.0%
 Commute 45 to 59 min.16.3%8.2%8.2%
 Commute 60 to 89 min.14.1%12.0%6.2%
 Commute greater than 90 min.4.7%5.8%2.9%
Reviews for Bellingham    0 Reviews

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Reviews for Beverly    4 Reviews

Over 5 years ago

On 3 different occasions I have lived here, each time it wasn't my first choice. My opinion has not changed, but gotten worse. First, the cost of living is not accurate  More

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Over 10 years ago

Although Beverly is beautiful, the cost of living is high. to get a good job, you need to commute into Boston which is expensive. As long as you have the money, great  More

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Over 11 years ago

I have lived in Beverly for almost 5 years, and have loved every minute of it. The weather is pleasant, but you have to love winters. It's actually not much colder  More

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