2024 Compare Cities People:
Billings, MT vs Bozeman, MT

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- Bozeman is 0% more densely populated than Billings.
- People are 23.1% less likely to be married in Bozeman.
- The Median Age is 9.4 years younger in Bozeman.
 Billings, MTBozeman, MTUnited States
 Female Population50.4%47.2%50.5%
 Male Population49.6%52.8%49.5%
 Median Age37.628.238.4
 Population - 2010104,52437,321309,327,143
 Population - 200089,84727,509285,036,114
 Population - 199081,15122,660251,960,433
 Pop. 2000 to Now22.1%85.3%15.6%
 Pop. 1990 to Now35.2%124.9%30.8%
 Population Density2,630.32,563.693.4
 Land Area44.020.13,531,905.4
 Water Area0.10.1264,836.8
 Est. Total Population By Age
 Billings, MTBozeman, MTUnited States
 Age 0 to 46.2%3.6%5.9%
 Age 5 to 96.3%3.8%6.1%
 Age 10 to 146.7%4.2%6.6%
 Age 15 to 173.8%2.6%3.9%
 Age 18 to 203.3%12.3%4.0%
 Age 21 to 245.4%15.9%5.2%
 Age 25 to 3414.7%20.2%13.8%
 Age 35 to 4413.2%11.3%12.9%
 Age 45 to 5410.6%9.1%12.6%
 Age 55 to 595.7%3.3%6.7%
 Age 60 to 646.7%3.5%6.3%
 Age 65 to 7410.0%6.2%9.6%
 Age 75 to 845.0%2.9%4.5%
 Age 85 and over2.4%1.2%1.9%
 Billings, MTBozeman, MTUnited States
 Native American4.2%0.7%0.6%
 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander0.0%0.0%0.2%
 Two or More Races3.6%3.6%3.2%
 Marriage & Family
 Billings, MTBozeman, MTUnited States
 Married Population48.3%37.2%49.8%
     Currently Married47.5%36.3%48.0%
 Married but Separated0.8%0.9%1.8%
 Single Population51.7%62.8%50.2%
 Never Married31.3%51.9%33.8%
 Household Size2.332.262.60
 Family Households28,2499,91980,755,759
     Married couple, w/children31.5%31.0%30.5%
     Married couple, no children43.8%47.9%42.9%
 Non Family Households20,22911,06943,255,233
     Single householder, w/children17.1%10.0%15.8%
     Single householder, no children7.6%11.0%10.8%
Reviews for Billings    25 Reviews

Over 1 years ago

I would give this place four stars, but decided to give it five because it’s been so underrated. The five stars is contingent upon the city following through with its  More

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Over 1 years ago

A few people make a living in Billings, most people only make an existents. As for the crime rate, it depends on your point of view. If you compare Billings crime rate  More

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Over 3 years ago

If you enjoy sub zero temperatures in Winter and 100 plus degrees in the Summer. You will love Billings. Snow plowing is almost non existent, so good luck driving for 5  More

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Reviews for Bozeman    60 Reviews

Over 1 years ago

My family is from the region, two generations back, and I spent both summers and winter holidays there with my grandparents (my parents only moved away in the 1960’s  More

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Over 3 years ago

I will love it more I keep saying they’re  More

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Over 3 years ago

Democrat transplants have turned Bozeman into a fetid rat race. It no longer looks like Montana, nor do the people there act like Montanans. Democrats are turning once  More

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