Cedarville, California is a small rural community located in the northern part of the state. Despite its small size, the town boasts some excellent educational opportunities for its residents. The local schools are highly rated, and offer students access to a variety of academic programs and courses. School staff members work hard to ensure that students receive an education that is both rigorous and engaging, helping them to become well-rounded individuals. In addition to their traditional classroom instruction, students also have access to extracurricular activities such as sports teams and clubs where they can further develop their social skills and make connections with their peers. The local educators also strive to keep parents informed on what is happening in the school district through regular communication and updates about school events. With quality education resources available in Cedarville, parents can feel confident that their children are receiving a top-notch education.
Cedarville schools spend $15,685 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 11 pupils per teacher, 0 students per librarian, and 0 children per counselor.