Cedarville, CA is a small town located in California with a population of 711 people. It has a population density of 51 people per square mile, which is significantly lower than the US Population Density of 93 People per Square Mile. Cedarville is home to many local businesses such as Cedar Pharmacy, Anderson’s Hardware, and JK Cafe. The beauty of the area encourages year-round outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, swimming, and camping. Local organizations such as the Lions Club host various events throughout the year that promote community involvement and socializing. Additionally, throughout the year Cedarville hosts several sporting events that bring visitors from all around.
The population in Cedarville is 711. There are 131 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Cedarville is 52.3, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Cedarville is 1.8, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Cedarville
- 40.2% are married
- 19.6% are divorced
- 8.3% are married with children
- 14.3% have children, but are single
Race in Cedarville
- 74.0% are White
- 0.0% are Black
- 0.3% are Asian
- 8.0% are Native American
- 0.0% claim Other
- 17.3% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 0.3% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander