Pompano Beach, FL Education


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Pompano Beach, FL is a vibrant city located in Broward County which offers an array of educational opportunities for its residents. The city has numerous public schools in the Broward County School District, with ratings that range from excellent to average. There are also a variety of private and charter schools that offer a more specialized education tailored to fit the individual needs of families. The local education system emphasizes on student-centered learning and creating a safe and engaging environment for all students. This is accomplished by providing resources and support for successful learning outcomes. Additionally, there are several extracurricular activities and clubs offered at various school levels within Pompano Beach that further enhance the educational experience for students of all ages.

Pompano Beach schools spend $9,109 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 17 pupils per teacher, 723 students per librarian, and 499 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationPompano Beach, FloridaUnited States
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Over 13 years ago

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Over 15 years ago

Everything in South East Florida is expensive so it's no wonder the cost of living is much higher here. You would think with the rising unemployment rate and the  More

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Over 15 years ago

Great climate. not great for families. schools  More

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