Zip 19938 (Clayton, DE) Education


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The education in 19938 Clayton, DE is highly rated and serves as a great learning environment for students. It provides a wide range of educational opportunities including excellent public schools and numerous charter schools. The local schools are well-funded with state-of-the-art technology, making them the ideal place for children to learn and develop their skills. All schools have highly qualified teachers who are committed to the academic success of their students. Furthermore, there are multiple extracurricular activities available for students such as sports, arts & crafts, music classes, and more that allow for creative expression while helping young minds explore new interests. Overall, 19938 Clayton offers an outstanding educational experience for all its residents.

Clayton (zip 19938) schools spend $12,120 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 16 pupils per teacher, 581 students per librarian, and 476 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationClayton, DelawareUnited States

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