Zip 19938 (Clayton, DE) Rankings

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The Rankings of 19938 Clayton, DE are quite impressive. According to, Clayton has an overall livability score of 74 out of 100 — a rating that reflects the city’s availability of amenities, cost of living, crime rate, education quality, and housing affordability. The city also has a high safety score (89) and good air quality (76). When it comes to amenities such as restaurants, parks, and entertainment venues in the area, Clayton receives a score of 73. Additionally, Clayton is known for its favorable cost of living (74), which helps keep residents living comfortably within their budget. Furthermore, Clayton boasts low crime rates (52) and good education opportunities with excellent schools in the area (79). Finally, housing in the area is considered highly affordable (71), making it very attractive for those looking to purchase or rent property. All in all, these statistics make Clayton an excellent place to live and work.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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