Zip 18372 (Tannersville, PA) Education


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Tannersville, PA (18372) is a small rural community that offers its residents a great educational opportunity. The local school district is highly rated with an 8/10 score on BestPlaces, and the schools offer a variety of classes for students to choose from. The teachers and staff are dedicated to providing the best possible education for each student, and there are several extracurricular activities available as well. There are a variety of resources available in Tannersville, such as libraries, museums, parks and other places that supplement children's learning experiences. The community also values education and supports their students by providing scholarships and grants. All in all, Tannersville is an excellent place for families to consider when looking for quality educational opportunities.

Tannersville (zip 18372) schools spend $18,918 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 13 pupils per teacher, 657 students per librarian, and 312 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationTannersville, PennsylvaniaUnited States

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