Zip 23453 (Virginia Beach, VA) Education


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The education in 23453 Virginia Beach, VA is highly rated. The school rating for this area is quite high due to the dedication of local educators and the quality of instruction being offered. The local schools strive to provide a learning environment that encourages students to reach their highest potential. The teachers are invested in creating an environment that develops critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collaborative learning opportunities for students. Academics are supplemented with a range of extracurricular activities which further reinforce student’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. With these initiatives in place, students from 23453 Virginia Beach, VA have access to quality education that sets them up for success at each stage of their development.

Virginia Beach (zip 23453) schools spend $11,759 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 18 pupils per teacher, 0 students per librarian, and 415 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationVirginia Beach, VirginiaUnited States

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