Zip 23453 (Virginia Beach, VA) Housing

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The median value of a house in 23453 Virginia Beach, VA is $304,400 which is much lower than the median US house value of $338,100. The US has seen an appreciation rate of 8.27% in housing over the past year while 23453 Virginia Beach, VA has seen an appreciation rate of 11.30%. This indicates that housing values are increasing at a faster rate in this area than across the country as a whole. This rising trend in home values makes investing in Virginia Beach real estate a smart decision for anyone interested in increasing their net worth.

The median home cost in Virginia Beach (zip 23453) is $304,400. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 58.5%. Home Appreciation in Virginia Beach (zip 23453) is up 13.1%.

Average Age of Homes
- The median age of Virginia Beach (zip 23453) real estate is 33 years old
The Rental Market in Virginia Beach (zip 23453)
- Renters make up 29.8% of the Virginia Beach (zip 23453) population
- 0.5% of houses and apartments in Virginia Beach (zip 23453), are available to rent

Buying a home is the biggest single purchase most people make during their lives. The second largest is most often an automobile.

Median Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms

   Housing by Year Built

  HousingVirginia Beach, VirginiaUnited States
  Vacant Housing
  Value of Owner-Occupied Housing
  Housing Units by Year Structure Built

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