Haines, AK is a small town with a population of 1,571 people and a population density of 144.03 people per square mile. Located in Southeast Alaska, Haines offers its residents a variety of outdoor activities year-round such as fishing, hiking, kayaking and birdwatching. Local businesses include the Haines Brewing Company, local restaurants including The Fish House and the Captain's Choice Restaurant & Lounge, the Haines Public Library and the Chilkat Center for the Arts. Other demographic organizations include the Haines Borough Economic Development Department which works to promote economic growth in Haines. Popular sporting events include softball tournaments at Fairbanks Field as well as basketball tournaments at Prince William Sound College.
The population in Haines is 1,571. There are 119 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Haines is 38.8, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Haines is 2.2, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Haines
- 55.7% are married
- 18.7% are divorced
- 32.0% are married with children
- 14.9% have children, but are single
Race in Haines
- 78.1% are White
- 0.1% are Black
- 3.8% are Asian
- 10.1% are Native American
- 0.0% claim Other
- 1.7% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 6.2% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander