Towson, MD is a thriving community located northwest of Baltimore City. With a population of 59,014 and a density of 4,143 people per square mile, the area provides plenty of activities and organizations to keep residents entertained. Popular local businesses include Towson Hotspot, Towson Tavern, and Ouzo Bay. Outdoor activities such as biking trails and sports fields in various parks are popular year-round. Organizations like the YMCA are also available for those who prefer indoor activities. Local sporting events include lacrosse games at Towson University as well as football games held by the Baltimore Ravens just minutes away from Towson. There is something for everyone to enjoy in this bustling city!
The population in Towson is 59,014. There are 4,170 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Towson is 33, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Towson is 2.3, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Towson
- 41.7% are married
- 7.9% are divorced
- 36.7% are married with children
- 11.4% have children, but are single
Race in Towson
- 74.3% are White
- 13.5% are Black
- 4.9% are Asian
- 0.2% are Native American
- 0.4% claim Other
- 4.4% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 2.3% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander