Rockford, IL 61103 is a city located in the northern part of Illinois and is highly ranked among its peers. According to BestPlaces, Rockford ranks #6 out of 800+ cities for affordability, with an overall score of 73. This ranking takes into account the city’s median home price, cost of living index, and average rental cost. Additionally, Rockford is ranked #17 out of 787 cities for quality of life. The city boasts many amenities such as parks, restaurants, theatres and shopping malls; making it an attractive place to live. In terms of crime rate, Rockford ranks #164 out of 787 cities overall making it a relatively safe place to live. Residents of Rockford also benefit from low taxes and a moderate climate throughout the year. All these factors contribute to make Rockford one of the top-rated cities in Illinois for its residents.
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