Zip 87554 (Petaca, NM) Rankings

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The Rankings of 87554 Petaca, NM, provide an insight into the quality of life in this area. According to, the city has a cost of living index of 84.8, which is lower than the U.S. average of 100 and makes it more affordable for residents. Additionally, the city has a crime index rating of 11.6, making it one of the safest areas in New Mexico with low crime rates compared to other cities across the country. The schools in 87554 also receive high ratings with 6 out of 10 stars on based on student performance and test scores. Moreover, 87554 Petaca is considered a rural area with a population density rating of 13 people per square mile; consequently, this offers potential homebuyers and families looking for an escape from city life plenty of room to spread out and enjoy nature while still remaining close to amenities like grocery stores and medical care facilities in nearby towns.

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