San Francisco, CA Schools


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West Portal Elementary is a Kindergarten-5th Grade Public School located in San Francisco, CA within the San Francisco Unified District. It has 591 students in grades Kindergarten-5th Grade with a student-teacher ratio of 27 to 1. West Portal Elementary spends $13,970 per student.
School Score is a 9 out of 10

5 Lenox Way
San Francisco, CA 94127-1111
See Map of School
School District: San Francisco Unified District
Phone Number: (415) 759-2846

- 22 Teachers
- $10,153 for Education Expenditures
- $4,901 for Instruction Expenditures
- 260 Students Getting a Free or Reduced Lunch
- 170 Students Getting a Reduced Lunch
- 90 Students Getting a Free Lunch

About The Area
Location: City, Large
Median Household Income: $126,187

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from a single guy's perspective. let's start this review from 2017. I moved here to be near to my sister who also relocated, and also to attend Cal State East Bay in  More

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I've lived in San Francisco for ten years. I thought I would write a balanced review for people looking to move here. My family is from places like Boise, Atlanta,  More

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I've lived in San Francisco for ten years. I thought I would write a balanced review for people looking to move here. My family is from places like Boise, Atlanta,  More

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