Birmingham, AL Voting


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Birmingham, Alabama is a bustling city with a population of 212,461. The city is home to many political figures who represent the people of Birmingham at both the local and state level. At the local level, Birmingham has an elected mayor and nine council members who come together to create laws that govern the city and meet its citizens' needs. For state representation Birmingham has two United States Representatives, two Alabama State Senators, seven members of the Alabama House of Representatives, and a number of other elected officials. These elected officials are committed to improving the quality of life in Birmingham by advocating for better infrastructure, education, public safety initiatives, economic growth initiatives and more. They strive to ensure that citizens have access to high-quality services and resources needed to thrive in their communities. By engaging with their constituents through town hall meetings and community events they remain in touch with what matters most to those living in Birmingham.

The political climate in Birmingham, AL is moderately liberal.

Jefferson County, AL is somewhat liberal. In Jefferson County, AL 55.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 42.6% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 1.6% voted Independent.

In the last Presidential election, Jefferson county remained strongly Democratic, 55.8% to 42.6%.
Jefferson county voted Democratic in the four most recent Presidential elections, after 2000 and 2004 went Republican.

The BestPlaces liberal/conservative index

Birmingham, AL is moderately liberal.

Jefferson County, Alabama is somewhat liberal.

Birmingham-Hoover Metro Area is moderately conservative.

Alabama is strongly conservative.

The BestPlaces liberal/conservative index is based on recent voting in national elections, federal campaign contributions by local residents, and consumer personality profiles.

Displaying 20 years of Presidential voting, visualized in one word.

Birmingham, Alabama: r r d d d D

How It Works:
Here at BestPlaces, we were looking at the voting patterns since the 2000 election and realized that we could express the results of each election as one letter. R if the Republican Party candidate won, D if the Democratic Party candidate won and I if the Independent Party candidate won. The six elections (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) would be expressed as six-letter word (R R D R R).

Then we went a little further and added the dimension of magnitude. If the difference of victory was greater than 10 percent, the letter is upper case, and lower case if the difference was less than 10 percent. This allows us to see interesting voting patterns at just a glance.

Here's the VoteWord for Iowa d r d d r. In the last six elections the state has been closely contested, voting narrowly for the Republican Party candidate in 2016 and 2020 after voting for the Democratic Party in 2008 and 2012. Virginia (r r d d d D) has voted for the Democratic Party in the last three elections.

Individual Campaign Contributions in Birmingham, AL

In the last 4 years (2018-2021), there were 37,836 contributions totaling $5,974,007 to the Democratic Party and liberal campaigns, averaging $158 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 19,215 contributions totaling $11,001,818 to the Republican Party and conservative campaigns, averaging $573 per contribution.

(source: Federal Election Commission)

Jefferson County, Alabama Politics Voting
Jefferson County, Alabama Politics Voting
Jefferson County, Alabama Politics Voting History
Reviews for Birmingham
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Birmingham is better than ever, meaning it is beginning to gain half of the stuff a normal city of its size has. The food scene is definitely an exception and is above  More

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Lived in the Birmingham for years. The small city was divided by the historical train tracks into the north half and the south one. The north section was the  More

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Over 4 years ago

I moved to Birmingham 6.5 years ago for a new job. The city is very boring in my opinion, there isn't much to do over the weekend except shopping or eating out. Summer  More

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