Review of Fresno, California

The Uncivilized Wasteland of Dusty Oklahoma People
Star Rating - 3/12/2019
I lived here between End of 2008 to the middle of 2015. I got two degrees from Fresno State. Since then I moved back to the civilized world, but do end up coming to Fresno State for work, every few months. All I can say is, this place is the absolute worst hellhole I have been to, ever. I have lived on three continents, and frequently travel all over the world, and this place has the absolute worst people, ever. The weather is terrible, it lacks any establishment suitable for socializing, it only has terrible chain restaurants. But what makes it unbearable, are the rude, racist, backward people in this town. They think that they can build a "city" and "revive downtown" like that idiotic blonde Republican mayor always went on about, without immigrants. Everyone is basically working in the customer service industry and are alcoholics, while simultaneously being Christian (The fox new kind), and being Trump voters. North Fresno is filled with small-town people who think they have made it "bigly" because they make $50,000 *groan* and drive a decent car. The Tower district (supposed cultural hub) is filled with trashy, hipsters who are more racist than people in Mississippi (yes, I have been there). Everyone does everything half-ass, like the whole downtown project, that went to the gutter. And everyone, everyone here is just plain rude. And you barely, ever see an attractive woman. I am glad that I don't live in this pathetic, little, ugly, moronic, loser town. And if you are reading this, and if you are a civilized individual, get out before these country folks kill your soul.
Sandip | Fresno, CA
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10 Replies

Really..... And we are the rude ones...You rally should ask you boss for a transfer, Fresno State would be better off with out you. Cuz honestly...your kind aint welcome here. (was that rude?) LOL.
Michelle | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

I agree with you Sandeep. Paid cash for a home here. Big mistake. Thought I'd retire here. Big mistake. 8 more months until I hit 2-year home ownership and avoid capital gains then it's bye-bye baby and back to the bay area.. adios planet fresno.
D | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

Yeetus yeetus you are a tumor you millennial that probably drives a Toyota Prius (insert racist comment here)
Knee | Santa Ana, CA | Report Abuse

This review reveals its writer as a hate filled bigot who projects his own character flaws on to others. He can't even write a review of a city without bring Trump into it. What a typical leftist who congratulates himself as being civilized while he is unable to contain his fanatic prejudices.
Randy | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

you should return your degree to fresno state. you bite the hand that feeds
Redd | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

what a way to bite the hand that feeds. You are a disgrace to Fresno as it provided you with 2 higher education degrees that allows you to excel in life. You are bit overdramatic seriously. Take a chill pill.
Redd | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

Accurate, might I add, on the flip-side of the same token the Hispanic community that represents the counter part of Fresno's disparate division in race, be it a disadvantaged one, but never the less, a rather large, if not some may say, some may imply as a "nuisance of a presence" that can't be denied, are just as, if not more racist than their counter-parts, the hicks. I would categorize it as a form of reverse-racism and Uncle Tom sell-outs; a racism towards non-Hispanics while licking the a** of their white enslavers. However the irony is they or some are more loyal and nationalistic towards Mexico and central America than America. In certain parts of Fresno, swaths of the service industry across all industries is Hispanic, they are like the new blacks. But the blacks are actually owed priority to American citizenship and civil rights than Mexicans. They are horribly rude, indignant, and play favoritism to their own kind every chance possible. They conspire to fill their roster with other Hispanics as a form of job security while also still taking in benefits under the table. The hiring manager will worry about the consequences later. No need for a resume. Nor any real skills or background checks or references. That's why the service industry across the board suffers, the worst I mean worst customer service experiences have been at said establishments. I say to myself, they are not qualified to work there, nor qualified to even be in a positon of authority! They are hired at the detriment of the business' reputation and the standards of the quality of service for the community of which they serve for the sake of nepotism. It's a nightmare that can accumulatively rot your soul and test your sanity over time. Fresno is like a serial killer that kidnaps you and takes you deep into the forest, you find you can't escape. But eventually you give in to the torture, just to stay alive. Survive and make it out. The run for your life !!
Door | Antioch, CA | Report Abuse

Accurate, might I add, on the flip-side of the same token the Hispanic community that represents the counter of the mentioned group, be it a disadvantaged one, but never the less, some might say a "nuisance of a presence" that can't be denied, are just as, if not more racist than the above mentioned. I would categorize it as a form of reverse-racism combined with a sort of "Uncle-Tomas" syndrome; a racism towards non-Hispanics while bowing towards their white-enslavers whom they tolerate, but secretly also despise but not as much as other groups. However the irony is they or some are more loyal and nationalistic towards Mexico and central America than America. In certain parts of Fresno, swaths of the service industry across all industries is Hispanic. They are horribly rude, indignant, and play favoritism to their own kind every chance possible. They conspire to fill their roster with other Hispanics as a form of job security while also still taking in benefits under the table. The hiring manager will worry about the consequences later. No need for a resume. Nor any real skills or background checks or references. That's why the service industry across the board suffers, the worst I mean worst customer service experiences have been at said establishments. I say to myself, they are not qualified to work there, nor qualified to even be in a positon of authority! They are hired at the detriment of the business' reputation and the standards of the quality of service for the community of which they serve for the sake of nepotism. It's a nightmare that can accumulatively rot your soul and test your sanity over time. Fresno is like a serial killer that kidnaps you and takes you deep into the forest, you find you can't escape. But eventually you give in to the torture, just to stay alive. Survive and make it out. The run for your life !!
Door | Antioch, CA | Report Abuse

Dear sir. You are obviously not from here. I noticed you received your education here and that is a benefit. You didn't meet many people or you would have come to love our city. It is our city and it is what it is. We have not arrived but we are a city. A city that is still searching for it's identity. What we don't have in accomodations is made for in the hearts of many people here. It takes a native to love Fresno. I love Fresno because it is my hometown. And because it is my hometown I am related to this city. I feel sorry for because you find us so unattractive.
Teresa | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse

Dear sir. I read your opinion and disagree with your assessment of Fresno. I think you missed out on understanding our city. It is a good city amid all it's problems. If you did not meet nice people then you never will comprehend this city. I happen to love this city because it is my hometown. I am a local and I have lived in the valley all of my life. I notice you received your degree from Fresno State and continue to work here. Has that degree enabled you to travel all over the world? It seems to me that Fresno was of great benefit to you. We are not cultured and we are not a tourist attraction. But we are Fresno and we exist for a reason. As for racism it is everywhere. It is not good and it does exist here unfortunately. Still race does not define us. The people define a city. Keep looking and maybe you will find something good about Fresno. How about FSU?
Teresa | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse
- 8/13/2021
It's not the worst city, but its flaws are bad
I'm not gonna say this city is terrible, but it certainly has many issues that need to be ...
Derek | Fresno, CA | No Replies

- 1/25/2021
Just Leave this Trash Heap of a City!
I've lived in Fresno my entire life and when I became an adult, I began to realize how muc...
Derek | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply

- 1/21/2021
If you move here or are planning to, this isn't it
Lived here since 2002. I may be flamed for this, but.. total dump and I would rate 0 stars...
Hannah | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply

- 5/1/2020
Why would anyone move to Fresno Ca.
Fresno is worse than some 3rd world countries. If you like bad roads, poor police respons...
Jim | Vancouver, WA | 1 Reply

- 4/2/2019
Best value for big city in CA
I've lived here for 10 years and seen it change for the better. 10 years ago it was known ...
Redd | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply